((Collab Post between Shadowsaint007 and Madly33, and perhaps Letter Bee)) Gabriel was looking through the stores and shops open at morning, trying to keep his mind off the paranoid feel of the increasing fortifications across town. He knew he should be excited to be in a new town and seeing new sights, but somehow, this wasn't how he'd imagined it would be. Jennifer was similarly disturbed by the idea of increasing Raider attacks. The increasing frequency and intensity was more akin to rising hostilities and open war rather than something raiders would actually do. She toyed about with the Pipboy on her forearm to distract herself. "Well, it might be a bit early, but I think we can get the rest of our stuff from the bazaar on the other side of town." "Sounds good," Gabriel replied, putting away the newly bought medicine packet into his pouch. "I think I've got enough for... wait... what's going on?" Jennifer followed Gabriel's line of sight to see something of a hustle near a corner. John's eyes dark and sunken, he had no sleep after the attack, he sat on his bed staring at the wall pondering on a plan in saving the people taken last night. He stood up quickly and grabbed his rifle and coat and left quickly not talking to anyone on the way down. "John..." Aydon said as he walked around the corner, John just pushed past him as he walked out of the main entrence. He checked his bag for ammo and made his way quickly to the front gate. "In a hurry for shooting practice?" A guard shouted as he made his way out. "Shut up" He spat back. Paradise 'Par' Rapids had come back to the city from the library, and managed to hear of the crisis facing Liberty Island. Seeing John, the young man sighed; if the other person went off alone, he might die, or worse, get enslaved again. So, he hopped off his parked truck, ran over to the man, then spoke: "I'm coming with you. My endurance and strength aren't the best, but you can use an extra gun. Besides, I scouted out Old Man's Corner in my earlier trip; they might have some new defenses that weren't there when you...um...escaped." From the corner of his eyes, he can see Jennifer and Gabriel; the two would see a tall 18 to 19-year old, with black hair and a thin, but not too skinny frame, clad in a T-Shirt, jeans, and shoes, with a submachine gun and pistol, talking to another tall man, clearly a veteran freelancer, who wore a fedora and a longcoat, and who also had his own sniper rifle and pistol. "What exactly's going on?" Gabriel inquired. "This got anything to do with the recent raids?" Gabriel was clearly from out of town; a newcomer with a fresh face. Sparks was apparently also a newcomer, paying attention to what was going on, listening intently. "If you need any help," Gabriel offered, "I'm pretty good with a gun. And decent survival skills." Sparks resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Gabriel couldn't resist being the heroic do-gooder for people he's never met before. John moved away from Par and ignored the new comer. "No, It's fine." He spat. He looked off to the city, "I'm geting those people back that were taken. I know they are at Old Man's Corner and I will get them" John said quickly, checking again for ammo. "There is no need for anyone else to get hurt" He hissed under his breath. "If you go then I will follow you," Par threatened. "You'll have to kneecap me if you don't want me to go." He then removed his shades, so that his blue eyes can stare John's own. This was also a gesture of vulnerability; Par's vision was bad without his shades - which doubled as eyeglasses - meaning that if John wanted to take Par's threat seriously, he'll be shooting someone at a disadvantage. "What's Old Man's corner?" Gabriel whispered to Sparks. "Slave market," came the quick reply. "It means some people got taken last night will probably end up there." Gabriel's look grew stern. "Sir," he cut in suddenly, talking to John. "No offense, but going alone is a stupid idea. I say you need backup if we're going to get them back. And I think I'm pretty handy with a rifle. "And I think we can avoid kneecapping people here," he continued, more his usual friendly tone. John shot the new comer a harsh look and then back at Par. "I would rather you not speak to me like I am a child" He spat. "But.. If you must come along, fine. Come. But come quickly" He said plain and quick and started walking away. The whole point to John going to Old Mans Corner was just the fact to free those who were taken, the more of a chance to do that, the better. He looked over his shoulder as he walked to see who followed. Gabriel flinched at the look; the old timer gave a mean glare. However, it seems to have ended well, since he didn't mind him tagging along. He shouldered his rifle and got ready to go, but then Spark's hand on his shoulder stopped him. "Whoa there, hero," she commented. "I know you have a knight complex going on, but you think this is smart?" "Look, I'm here, and I can help," Gabriel answered. "Every bit we do makes the Wasteland a slightly better place." "Guess I can't argue with you," Sparks said, handing him a spare 9mm from the backpack. "But the least you can do is get some backup. You're good at long range and decent at knifework, but you still need something in between." Gabriel studied the pistol, then tucked it in his pockets along with some ammo. "Thanks, Sparks." he said. "Just take care of yourself, Lone Ranger," she mused, giving him a cynical salute. Par, meanwhile, checked his weapons, then began following John at a swift pace, his Submachine Gun drawn...