[hr][h1][color=dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color], [color=red]Meifeng Vuhong[/color], & [color=Indianred]Reyna Baker[/color][/h1][hr] Meifeng had little idea of what her mother was discussing on the phone. She could only hear bits and pieces in between the action of the game - otherwise, she wasn't paying attention. [i]Something[/i] was up, but she didn't have to be Sherlock to figure that out. Meifeng shrugged as she went back to playing her game. Sitting with her legs crossed, she played away at the game. Only her cellphone buzzing with the lyric of some rap song. She raised one eyebrow as she grabbed onto it. A text from Cindy - Meifeng didn't even need to unlock her phone to read it. [u]yo gurl, head over to the candy club when u get the chance[/u] [u]yeah, sure[/u] Okay now came the matter of getting there. Meifeng could take a bus... Oh! The Ferry sounds fun. She hasn't taken the ferry- "... [i]Meifeng, I'm going to the Headquarters, keep an eye on Lijuan[/i]." Lihua spoke in Chinese as she stepped by the living room, wearing her robe. Neat. Meifeng just got a better option! "[i]Wait![/i]" Meifeng shouted, pausing her game as she stuck her other hand out. "[i]Cindy wants to meet up. Can you take me to Knightdale on the way?[/i]" She asked. "[i]Fine.[/i]" Lihua said. "[i]Be ready in five.[/i]" Meifeng started laughing. "[i]Five? It takes you like three hours to get ready! All I have to do is throw on a shirt and some shorts and I'm ready![/i]" "[i]Because I actually put care into looking presentable.[/i]" Lihua rolled her eyes as she started going up the stairs, out of sight of her daughter. "[i]It just comes naturally to[/i] me!" Meifeng pointed two thumbs at herself. But, yeah. She should throw on some clothes. [hr] After some more bickering, both of them got fully dressed, and were into Lihua's car. Meifeng sitting in the back wearing her red basketball uniform. Written on the back of her Jeresy was number 07, and had her name underneath it. She had matching red sneakers, and basketball shorts. Lihua on the other hand was wearing a black dress. With gold earrings on, and switching out her usual glasses for a pair of sunglasses. And a black summer hat. It was a long drive from Central Valley to Knightdale Rows, but the two managed to get there. It wouldn't be too long before they got to the Candy Club. Of course, this one particular road they took just [i]had[/i] to be a shitshow. Lihua was driving, and a crowd of people had formed to watch [i]something[/i]. This wouldn't be a problem if they weren't in the road. Lihua pressed down on the breaks and the car came to a stop. "Oh what is it?" She said, annoyed. Meifeng rolled down the window, and stuck her head out. Peaking through the crowds, she knew exactly what was going on in there. "Yo, someone's getting their ass kicked." She said as she pulled her head back into the car. "Good grief." Lihua rolled her eyes. "C'mon, Meifeng." She said as she turned the car off. "Wait, what are you doing?" Meifeng asked - more out of shock. "Going to break up this little kiddie-fight so we can get on the move." Lihua let out a sigh as she unbuckled her seatbeat. There was something inside of her telling her to just stay out of it - but it [i]is[/i] her duty as a NEST Agent to handle things like this. Besides, it's just a bunch of kids fighting. Lihua fights monsters. This will be easy. Lihua's black heel tapped the street. She stood straight up and looked at the crowd. She closed the door before she moved closer. Pushing her way through the crowd. Meifeng simply hopped out the seat, slammed the door shut behind her, and ran her way behind Lihua. Bickering arised as Lihua pushed her way through the crowd, separating Verthaven's youth. Cutting a swathe toward the center, the reason for sudden side-show had become eminently clear. Two young adults were circling each other; a young man not much shorter than she was facing off against red-headed girl in camo fatigues and a red tank top - she was a fair amount shorter and lighter. While normally she might have been concerned for the smaller girl's well being, there was one important detail... The college boy was bleeding from his nose and brow, the latter being swollen and partially covering up his eye. The girl may have been sweating a storm, but she was apparently unscatched. "You fuckin' bitch, you're dead!" Yelled the boy as charged toward Reyna. She kept her stance light on her feet, standing on her toes. As natural as can be, she pulled a fist back and tossed it around where it had met with the side of boy's jaw. Two teeth flew through the air and the young man fell to the ground. The crowd erupted excitedly, yelling and exasperated, along with hushed comments about the right hook she had just hit him with. Reyna barely gave him time to recover before she threw herself ontop of him, forcing him on his back so that she can deliver him a consistant beating between her shouts. "Don't you!" [i]Thwack![/i] "Ever!" [i]Thwack![/i] "Talk about!" [i]Thwack![/i] "My little sister!" [i]Thwack![/i] "Like that!" [i]Thwack! "Again!"[/i] "Enough of this!" Lihua shouted over the crowd. Reyna immediately looked up from her vicious beating and escaped her tunnel vision, seeing the dressed figure of what looked like an agent. Some few globs of blood dripped down from her knuckles as she tightly held her fist in the air. Her chest heaved with heavy breaths and her skin was flushed red. Sweat was dripping off her skin, and the muscles in her arms were tensed. It was faint, but there were slight traces of steam and hot air rippling around her. The boy beneath her was likely too unconscious at this point to feel most of the punches she was giving him. "Yo..." Meifeng said as she pretty much just joined the crowd watching. It was that chick she met a week ago! And she was beasting! For a moment she wondered why she didn't help against those REAPER bastards. Once that moment passed, Meifeng remembered that she didn't need any! Though, she stayed in the back. Lihua seems to be taking this by the horns. The crowd's eyes fell on Lihua, and she made sure to make herself known as she stepped through. Her heels clicking loudly. She took two hard looks around, before she put her hands behind her back. "Disperse! All of you!" Lihua ordered. They stood there looking at her. "Do I need to repeat myself!? Go home now!" The crowd started leaving. She pointed at Reyna, "... Except for you." However, Meifeng couldn't quite remember the girl's name. Something with an R. Rylie? Rayne...? "Reyna?" Meifeng just said (instead of thinking). Loud enough so that the girl could hear her over the leaving crowd. Reyna stood over her victim, panting and trying to regain her breath. He looked at Meifeng before casually pointing at her. "Uh... right, bear fighter? Nice to see ya again..." She bent over and picked up her leather jacket, before slinging it over her shoulder. Meanwhile, Lihua walked over, completely unfazed by the girl, and knelt down over the boy. Much bruising on his face. Missing a few teeth. She reached down and checked his pulse, just in case. He was fortunately alive as he ever will be - but she might have split a major vein in his jaw. Which could be a problem. "... You damn near punched his face in." Lihua noted, rolling her eyes. She kept examining him, but she had to roll her eyes when the two girls acknowledged each other. Of [i]course[/i] they know each other. Meifeng has a knack for the strange and wild, after all. "Oh yeah?" Reyna asked rhetorically. "Well ain't that a shame, I should've kept going." "Tell me, do you think all this was really [i]necessary?[/i]" Lihua asked, waiting to see what [i]wonderous[/i] response this girl can come up with. "Hey, hey, chill, mom." Meifeng put her hands up. "Asshole probably got what's coming to him." "Nobody's gonna threaten my baby sister, you hear me?" Reyna told Lihua, pointing her finger. "Not if they got a death wish." Lihua, again, had to roll her eyes. An overreaction to something that could have easily been shrugged off. She didn't know the context, but she couldn't care. Lihua stood straight up, and put her hand on her hip. Facing Reyna, and utterly unfazed by her displays of strength. "Noted... Do you mind telling me your name, Miss...?" "Oh sure," she replied sarcastically, "mind showing me your badge?" [i]Oh, she's so funny.[/i] Lihua rolled her eyes. "Do not get smart with me, little lady." Lihua said, narrowing her eyes. "All I have to do is make one phonecall..." "Hey, hey, hey, hey...." Meifeng quickly stepped in between them. Because she knew exactly where this is going to go. And she didn't like it. "C'mon, mom, we don't have to go this route." She scratched the back of her neck. "Nah, ah, ah, I know how this works." Reyna said. "C'mon, where's your badge? You don't got a badge? You're full of shit." It took a lot of restraint to avoid letting her anger slipping out. She completely ignored Meifeng and stepped around her to face Reyna. "Where the [i]hell[/i] did they teach you how to act? The boonies?" Lihua hissed at her. "All I'm asking for is your [i]name[/i]. A name. Is that too much to ask?" "I don't owe you NEST idiots a freaking [i]dime.[/i] Fuck off." Lihua would compliment Reyna for figuring out that she's NEST - but she doubted that this upstart little shit figured out anything. Probably a lucky guess. "I never said that I was with NEST, sweetheart." Lihua threw her a sarcastic smile. "I appreciate the ferocity, but I'd be more inclined to care if I was talking to someone who was old enough to [i]drink[/i]." Lihua crossed her arms. "And you don't understand. All I have to do is make one phonecall, and your parents are going to be picking you from the station. And you're making that really [i]tempting[/i]. If they even give a damn about a little reject lik-" Okay, this is escalating quickly. Meifeng could see a fight coming on. Only problem was that it probably wouldn't do Meifeng any good. So, she was going to salvage the situation the only way she knew how! Meifeng quickly grabbed Lihua by the arm, and started pushing her away mid-sentence. "... Okay, okay. I think it's time for us to gooooo!" "Yeah, yeah, and aren't [i]you[/i] mom of the year..." Reyna muttered rolling her eyes as she turned her back to Lihua and Meifeing. She paced over towards where the boy's teeth landed and bent over, muttering as she picked them up. "Not with NEST, my ass... rule number one, avoid the cute ones with the crazy moms." Something about it was vaguely familiar. In fact, Reyna said something about teeth in her glovebox the night of the party. She dropped them in a pouch. [hr] "[i]... That child is a[/i] real [i]piece of work[/i]." Lihua said in Chinese as she slid into the seat of the car. She was more than annoyed - but otherwise, Reyna was irrelevant to her little journey to the NEST base. So, there wasn't any need to take any action. Though, with a mouth like hers, someone will teach her to keep it closed. "[i]Yeah... yeah...[/i]" Meifeng said as she slid into the backseat. Okay, that didn't go well. It probably could have gone better if both weren't so confrontational. Huh? Meifeng thought about it, and it was odd to be the mediator for once. Usually it's Lihua talking her out of things. It certainly was strange. Though, she kinda wished that she could have gotten Reyna's number. Oh well. Lihua turned the keys in the ignition, and started driving on past the scene. Fortunately, the crowd was gone so she could go drive off. They went on the road just like nothing happened. The sky above them started getting darker as clouds formed. "[i]Good grief, it's going to [/i]rain[i] again.[/i]" Lihua said, annoyed. "[i]Heh, I love this rain. Infinite supply.[/i]" She put her hands up, palms not too far apart. Creating a torrent of water between her hands. Eventually the two arrived at the Candy Club. Lihua got out of the car, and leaned up against the car with her arms crossed. "[i]Well, we're here...[/i]" Meifeng faced Lihua - wondering why she hasn't drove off, yet. "[i]I wish to have a word with Miss Keagan[/i]." Lihua said. "[i]I have to apologize for the lack of work I've been offering her.[/i]" "[i]Oh, okay.[/i]" Meifeng nodded her head as she ran up to the doors of the Club.