Battle ensued and there was no stopping it as the average patron tried to flee through the back door of the bar to escape the madness that had quickly consumed [i]The Inferno[/i]. Blood splattered and bodies fell. Souls were ripped from forms as last breaths were drawn. Music blurring the sounds of screams and grunts as the heart of Elisheva began to pound in her chest; fueling in the Wrath beneath her breast with each breath she drew. Pupils dialated with a sick desire as she slid off the rickety barstool and balled her fists up. While some opted to drop foes quickly she decided she was going to enjoy this. The first soul claimed after the Fall was to be enjoyed and set a clear presidence of what was to come. Driven to the beat of drums and pounding of heart ringing in her ears boot connected with gut as hands curled along the back of a skull; powering the decent of bone to black jeaned knee and teeth. Ripping to one side the neck twisted like a possessed Barbie doll about to spit pea soup until the snap rung out; body tumbling to the ground in a demented spin as she hurled it to the floor. Sera opted to take the high ground and leapt up to the top of the bar; the long braided whip uncurling at her side before she snapped it forward and it laced like a sickening lovers embrace around the neck of one. With a single pull back the body came crashing against the wood platform she stood on; almost kneeling at her feet as if to say "[i]Please Mistress, may I have some more?"[/i]. A click of heel and blade released, driving straight into the jugular of her subservient. Kneeling down she unravelled the whip from his neck and gave him a sweet farewell kiss to his temple before body slid lifeless to the floor below.