[u][h1]Wepwawet- Seattle, WA[/h1][/u] Kasim was surprised by the sudden voice that came out from one of the doors, asking anyone on the floor to join them. From the muffled sound of the voice it sounded feminine, best description being near angelic. Why would he think that? He shook the thought from his head and walked forward cautiously, picking up a piece of pipe that was on the ground. Oddly enough picking up the pipe felt strangely familiar. Slowly he walked forward reaching the door and gently opening it, looking around inside, surprised to see the room seem mostly intact compared to the few other rooms he had all ready gone through. He kept his guard up looking around, looking for the source of the voice that had graced his ears moments before. It somewhat startled him when he did come across the person who had spoke and then realized how foolish he was brandishing a weapon when she didn't seem like a threat. "Forgive me, I well... Can't be to careful with who you find," he said putting the pipe in the bag on his back. He couldn't help to note her attractiveness and the curious gem around her neck. Once again he forced his mind to concentrate, she might of not been a threat but there still could be danger. "So you alone here?" he asked afterwards. [@CandiBarr] [u][h1]Lyssa/Mania- Chicago, IL[/h1][/u] When Yasmine had motioned to her 'friends' she hid back a smile and a laugh. Her mind though quickly returned to her current task now that she had befriended Yasmine."Yes the cat. So it's yours? That's cool but yeah lets find it," she quickly said again all ready running past Yasmine in attempt to hopefully catch a glimpse of the feline creature. "Well those friend's deserved what they got, it was self defense," she said behind her ",They planned to do much worse things to little me." Her eyes scanned around still disappointed in not finding her target. "Awe it can't be gone, I just wanted to pet it," she said disappointed like a child who had lost a new toy. Her disappointment didn't last long though as she switch moods back to her normal overly zany self. [@Phaesaris]