[hider=Not an obese woman (sorry Jb) ] [b]Name:[/b] Phillip Taeorinn [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Origin:[/b] (West) Virginia born Pinkerton Agent [b]Current Occupation:[/b] Gun-For-Hire [b]Appearance:[/b] A dark haired, green eyed, man of 6’1, with a strong build and an even stronger jaw, Phillip Taeorinn carries himself with the bold stance of a military man. He has broad, sloping shoulders, lightly tanned skin, and a muscular upper-body. A short scar slices through the left side of his upper-lip, and a tell-tale white mark on his nose indicates that it has been broken, perhaps multiple times, in the past. He dresses in a smart manner, but his clothes have become ripped, torn, and stained during his long career. [b]Personality:[/b] Phillip is a slow-thinker, and prefers to solve his problems in the simplest ways possible. That said, he is by no means stupid. Whilst his brain is slow to adapt, once he has adjusted to new ideas his understanding of them is flawless. Neither an introvert nor an extrovert, Phillip is happy to discuss what’s going on inside his head, but doesn't feel the need to run around and shout about it. He’s reasonably calm and well-humoured, but it serves ill to push him too far out of his comfort zone. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Capable Horse rider. Keen shot. Literate. Reasonably skilled in close quarters combat. [b]History/Bio:[/b] Growing up in the small town of Gritston, Phillip had a fairly peaceful and sheltered childhood, side-by-side with his best friend Terrance Whilterby. The pair were as close as children could be, and shared a bond which went above and beyond friendship, and even, some would say, brotherhood. As they grew their bond only strengthened, and they became inseparable. If ever Phillip and Terrance had a problem with women, or a schoolyard bully, then it was each other who they turned to, and there was never a time when one of the boys was not there for the other. Their friendship came to an end, however, when a young Phillip went off to the capital to pursue a career in private security with the Pinkerton agency, and Terrance stayed behind in Griston. It wasn’t long before the Civil War Broke out, and Phillip found himself working as part of President Lincoln’s own private security team. As the war was drawing to a close, Phillip was sent to help reinforce a garrison in West Virginia, which was falling victim to numerous raids by the Confederate Army. Stationed in his home town of Griston, Phillip was enjoying a nostalgic trip down the roads of his childhood, until raiders slipped out of the darkness. The battle was long, bloody, and shrouded in the night. Pistols flashed, gunpowder burned in the air, and brave men lost their lives. When the haze of battle finally cleared, Phillip found a familiar face laying limp at his feet. That of his childhood friend, Terrance Whilterby. Phillip didn’t know who had fired the killing shot, but it didn’t matter to him. As far as he was concerned, he’d sent the closest thing he had to a brother to the grave. Riding out into the darkness, Phillip spent the rest of the war in exile, drifting from place to place and finding work as a gun-for-hire. His travels eventually brought him to Laredo, where he now resides, trying his best to make it to the next dawn. [/hider] [hider=Also not an obese woman] [b]Name:[/b] Deminora Corett [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Origin:[/b] Heiress of the Corett family [b]Current Occupation:[/b] Aspiring entrepreneur [b]Appearance:[/b] A short, full-figured young woman, Deminora just about falls on the latter side of chubby, possessing a noticeably soft form. She has long auburn hair, with a neatly trimmed full-fringe, and slender maroon eyes. Deminora has a oval-shaped face, and an ever-so-slightly pronounced chin. Whilst her full-breast and broad hips prevent her from disguising herself as a man, the young heiress dresses in a noticeably masculine fashion, more for practicality sake than preference, which she accessorizes with the odd piece of feminine flare, such as ornate jewelry and powdered makeup. [b]Personality:[/b] Whilst her exterior is calm and polite, bordering on that of an anxious recluse, a history of neglect and abuse has wrought a shell of savage cunning into Deminora’s person. She has an eye-fluttering charm to her, but it's less obvious than, say, a playful seductive streak, and manifests as more of an innocent teasing. Her rapid and uncontrolled mood swings hint at an element of instability, which are accompanied by long bouts of depressive emptiness. To keep herself from becoming too down, Deminiora makes sure the she is constantly occupied, which helps her in fighting off a bout of searing anger, or all-encompassing darkness. [b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Ingenious strategist. Able with a gun. Apt manipulator. [b] History/Bio:[/b] When the first whisperers of Manifest Destiny swept through the colonial settlers, the Corett family were already setting up shop and sowing the seeds of a thriving new economy. Ever the opportunists, the Corett’s had hands in establishing some of the first industries within America, and using the Church as a front to pull strings with utter immunity. When the War of Independence came about, the Corett family saw a chance to build a business without the British Empire’s intervention, and were quick to back Commander Washington. During the years building up to the Civil War, the Corett’s were major advocates for States Rights, and vocally backed Calhoun’s nullification of the so called ‘Tariff of abominations’. Holding numerous plantations in their grasp, it was in the Corett family's best interests that slavery remained legal, so they supplied scores of private militia men to the Confederate States. However, the unorganized nature of the South would prove to be its downfall, and the Corett’s soon found themselves facing crushing economic ramifications. Deminora is the youngest in a long line of cunning young entrepreneurs within the Corett family. She has the means to go forth and find her own way in the world, but is also burdened with saving her ancient dynasty from imminent destruction. Deminora needs to seize power, one way or another, and is willing to crush whoever gets in her way to achieve her goal. Heading out to Laredo, the young woman has hired former Pinkerton agent Phillip Taeorin as her own personal bodyguard, with the intention of finding as many other guns as she can to rally to her cause. [b]Secrets:[/b] Deminora wears an emerald necklace, which was intended as a gift to another woman, from one of her childhood crushes. When she found out that her feelings were not reciprocated, the young Corett used all of her available assets to ruin both of their lives, and took the necklace as a reminder of what she could accomplish when she put emotions aside. [/hider]