[@Aisling] [hider=Agatha Merriweather Pendragon's Exam] Din gave a stiff nod. [color=a36209]"Thank you,"[/color] he replied succinctly, before he shook his head. [color=a36209]"All tests are tailored made for the one taking them. In any case, you will have to prepare yourself for battle. Don't forget what you learned here: you must keep the spiral going, even if it means battle."[/color] The transformed Din paused and considered Agatha's other questions. [color=a36209]"As for magic, in truth, I know little about it - magic is the breaker of providence, and the loophole around the laws of the world. I, who am part of nature cannot comprehend magic so well. You will have to wait for your lessons.[/color] With a smirk, Din opened the door to the next step of Agatha's exam:[color=a36209] "As for whether or not you can see me again; who knows? The Labyrinth is always open to you, but where you end up . . . well, it's a labyrinth for a reason."[/color] Din gestured to the door, a stern expression on his 'face'. [color=a36209]"Now go, Mr. Arcana's already finished his exam. The moment you arrive past those doors, prepare for your duel to begin."[/color][/hider] [hr] [@Zetsuko] [hider=Kieran Altaaya's Exam]Fo stared at him for a minute, before breaking into a big, bright grin. [color=fff79a]"Well well well, it has manners after all . . ."[/color] with a chuckle, the small fairy flew towards Kieran and patted his nose. [color=fff79a]"You may be an Eldritch in spirit, but keep in mind, your body is human. We know that you want to be free, but we advise that you take your time with that endeavor. Enjoy being human for a while."[/color] Fo floated towards the door, placing a hand on both sides, and at once, the door glowed and thrust open. [color=fff79a]"Moreover, as a human, don't forget that you can ask for help. It comes with being the weak creatures you are. If force or trickery or power can do nothing, then maybe you should simply ask, and when the time comes that you will begin again to look for someone who can free you, remember this exam."[/color] Fo floated to the side, leaving the path to the door open for Kieran. [color=fff79a]"Now go, your opponents been waiting for quite some time now,"[/color] she said, before adding with a smile: [color=fff79a]"And for what it's worth, good luck out there."[/color][/hider] [hr] [@MagusDream] [hider=Agni "Flare" Blackheart's Exam] In response to Agni's words, Cruz was immediately encrusted in a case made of sand, slowly being pertrified. Then, with utmost silence, the shell broke, and Cruz crumbled into dust. [i]He has been returned hence. Know that you have condemned that world to its fate - as it should be. [/i] [i]You and your friends are strangers here, yet, still you exist. If you are to remain here, live not as saviors from a different time, but as one who lives simply because he does.[/i][/hider] [sub] This post is an extension of MagusDreams, and connects with all the other finished examinees. [center][@Shikaru], [@floodtalon], [@Minimum], [@olcharlieboi][/center][/sub] And with those last words echoing in Agni's, the world around him twisted, and he found himself standing in a nice looking lounge, with a bar, table games, and several large screen televisions. Around him were other students that completed their exams. From a door behind the bar, a long haired brunette stepped out with a yawn. Said brunette had her hair tied in a tail, and was in a bartenders outfit. [color=a36209]"Oh, well, looks like some students are here already . . ."[/color] she said with a hint of surprise. [color=a36209]"Well, welcome to the Examinee Lounge. You'll be here for awhile until you all finish. In the meantime, those big tellies over there will be displaying the duels between several students."[/color] [hr] [@The ghost in black] [hider=Aleksandra "Hound" Galino's Exam] The Silver Titan threw it's leg towards Aleksandra with roar, kicking with rage induced strength. With Aleksandra strengthening herself, and her preparations to counter, the best she could do was halt its foot, at which point, it pounded its fist downwards in an attempt to squish her into a bloody pulp. All the while the Golden Titan looked on, unable to decide what to do. On one hand, it knew that Aleksandra had interfered with their duel, on the other hand, they had yet to resume combat - combat that it was getting impatient for. [/hider]