Nicoli was still using his magical lenses to gather what information he could from his potential enemies when the host of the gracious tournament announced the first combatants to grace the field. He popped another grape in his mouth and smiled coldly when his name was spoken, though the man had combined his first name and title rather than his proper name. It was only slightly annoying to the proud man. He dropped the empty grape vine on the table as a portal appeared before him. His eyes darted to the other portal and where his opponent was standing. He watched as she stepped towards the portal before her, an impressive display of weapons being revealed as the simple cloth fell away. What was even more impressive was the fact that they all floated about the air around her. He clicked his tongue against his teeth and looked towards his own portal. As an afterthought he activated one of the charms in his left boot. A moment later his face would be hidden behind an inky black mask that swirled with dark blood reds and deep oceans blues. He removed his cloak and folded it up nicely before setting it on the table. He heard his opponent’s voice and cocked his head to regard her, a foot raised to step into the portal. D’Angelo regarded her in silence and then simply stepped into the portal without answering her.