[center][h2][color=9e0039]Captain Brandy Carson[/color][/h2][/center] When I see the drunk man fumble in I slowly loose my what's left of my good mood. I try to keep a calm exterior and ignore the situation, after all it's not my place to react. I know the Commander will handle this so I try to distract myself from it all. I drift into my mind, going over the routine of some surgeries in my head. I'm snapped back to reality though when I hear him stumble over to our table. I open my eyes to see him pouring a lot of alcohol into my cup. The sharp smell filled my senses. As those sickening memories filled my mind I felt my stomach turn. [i]It's alright, stay calm. [/i] I repeat in my head over and over. I don't know what scares me worse. The thought of picking up that cup and chugging it or the much more likely scenario of me going to the medical bay after dinner and shooting up enough pain killers to put a horse out. The temptation of the alcohol is enough to send me on a downward spiral to something much worse. Underneath the table I clasp my hands together and nervously rub my fingers. Tensions had been high the past two days and this wasn't helping any. My eyes drift up to the girl as she comes by and removes the cups. I can't recall her name but I can remember that she's my bunk mate. Maybe I should thank her later? I should at least tell her she handled the situation well. Through all the mess I hadn't even heard the girl at the table talk to me.