[quote=@Ermine] Would a character who shapes her body parts into those of animals be a joker-ace or just an ace? Like...wants bear arms (she has a right to them), so gets them. Or Cat ears. Just until she feels like changing them again. Can't look like other people, though. Goes by "Piecemeal." [/quote] It would depend. Would the bear-arms (which she has a right to) be proportional to her body or would they be the size of an actual bear's arms? Can she "turn it off" i.e. can she look normal or must some sizable part of her always be in the form of an animal? Do the parts convey actual abilities upon her? Can she sprout eagle wings and fly? Can she grow gills that allow her to swim underwater. ETC ETC ETC ETC....... Essentially, you want to sit and ask yourself "What are the benefits for this character's card draw, if any? What are the drawbacks, if any? Is there a mix? Is there a limit to what they can do?" A prime example for your case would be [url=http://wildcards.wikia.com/wiki/Kid_Dinosaur]Kid Dinosaur[/url]. He could transform into any dinosaur he wanted...but he couldn't change his size. So he would transform into a 5 ft tall T-Rex or Brontosaurus. See what I'm getting at? In a slightly related/unrelated note, I'm hacking away at the 1st IC posting and will be working on a section called "Power Crutches" that might give everyone a better idea as to how to create a character. [@Oak7ree] I'm finishing off the IC at the minute, but there are a few things that'll I'll need for you to clarify with your Bargain Bin X-Man fairly soon.