Nicoli looked left and then right, his visage hidden behind a dark inky substance. The charm that provided this magic was the first a Veiled-One received, it was that charm from which they received their name. It also served to dehumanize them before their enemies, a blank face made it impossible to tell one Veiled-One from the next. Sometimes the psychological effect was enough to halt lesser warriors, though Nicoli didn’t think it would matter against any of the opponents at this tournament. He watched the swords hover around his opponent through blue-tinted goggles. He didn’t see any magic emanating from them, which drastically lowered the options of what it might be, chi or telekinesis being the most likely. Of course what it was didn’t exactly matter to Nicoli, he couldn’t effect either source of power in anyway. He was more worried about the cutting power of those weapons and how many could be brought against him at once. “If you quit now I will not kill you.” He spoke in a cool, hard voice. He reached into his pouch with his left hand after he spoke and pulled out a small ceramic ball and held it before his eyes for inspection, his right hand rested on his utility belt, fingers drumming against it as he decided on his course of action. Any good battle was decided in the first few moments, where any miscalculations could prove fatal. He believed he held the advantage at the moment and would try and capitalize off of what he knew. He would wait for the girls reply before acting, provided her answer was a no he would begin to walk forward at a casual pace. This was purely business for D’Angelo.