I have ideas. She's a WIP but I'll finish her eventually. I was thinking a less proactive version of John without the huge transformation. Name: Luna Hoshi A.K.A. Intense Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Luna appears to be of Japanese descent, despite her height of six feet, athletic frame and long, crimson hair, which is tied back in a ponytail. She has a tattoo on her back of the words "Love" in a decorative style, "Hate" in a sharp, spiky letter style and "Family" in a generic style. She wears a black t-shirt made with a large hole in the back, showing off her tattoo, a knee-length, multi-layer, black skirt that she refers to as her "combat-skirt", underneath which she wears a pair of black leggings that reach to the middle of her shins, and a pair of black, heavy boots, complete with steel toes, spikes and a loud thunk when she walks. The boots stop just past the hem of her leggings. Side: Neutral Personality: She acts as if she has no emotions. However, her emotions are let out in other ways, usually through her art or her powers. Biography: When she was younger, Luna stood at the edge of the blast radius the had happened with Cole MacGrath. She had been practicing her graffiti style with different paint colors. She didn't know what had happened but had awoken a few days later in the hospital. Needless to say, her injuries had healed and she was free to go. It wasn't until the Beast was in New Marais that she noticed her powers. She hadn't moved far from Empire City, still just a bit of a walk. She had seen a little boy about to be hit by a truck and, in a rush to get to him, she threw her hands out, accidentally hitting the boy with a bright, blueish-purple energy. The boy seemed to be unharmed by the energy and raised his hands to hide himself from the truck. The truck bent to the boy's will. The entire front end had been flattened and the driver badly injured. After helping the driver get to the hospital, she helped the boy figure out what he could do and, after he had a good start on controlling his powers she left. The next day, when she went to check on him, he had told her his powers weren't as strong when she wasn't around. Over the next month, she found other conduits, all of whom told her the same thing the boy had. She was a power enhancer. It wasn't until she saw the plague beginning to spread that she felt stronger. Around every plague victim, she felt as if something in them wanted her. Something that seemed she had a craving for. She had drained an old, homeless man when he was caught with the plague, curing him. She continued experimenting with her powers, seeing what she could do. Power: She can control the Ray Sphere Radiation itself. Power-: She can enhance the abilities of other conduits by 1/10 of her "battery". (If she's only half-charged, the conduits around her will only get a 5x power increase.) She can absorb the Ray Sphere Radiation from plague victims to recharge herself and cure them. She could also do the opposite, putting more radiation in the victim to hasten their death. She can activate potential conduits by filling them with more radiation. Other: She can often be caught staring at pretty girls.