With a quiet [i]tap[/i], Imogen's feet come to a soft rest on the hard earth of the arena. There she stands, knees bent, her weight on the balls of her feet. Nicoli's question comes unexpectedly. Does he, perhaps, prefer not to kill, when such avoidance is possible? Or is he simply seeking an easy victory? Interesting questions, but not ones she has time to answer while facing him down in a deathmatch. Imogen is a warrior, she will not give in to mere threats, and will never let an opponent snatch away victory with so little resistance. She has certain rules, boundaries, a sense of honor- but when it comes down to it, she is a fighter, trained her entire live to do battle. "We all die eventually," she tells him, her voice barely loud enough for him to hear, "and I would not die a coward." With that, the matter is settled for her. All that remains is to begin the fight, and with her refusal, it does not take long. The moment Nicoli takes his first step forwards, she strikes. Three of her swords- the rapier, the claymore, and the estoc -fly straight through the air towards her enemy, thrusting forth like great steel arrows. The first is aimed at his head, the second towards his midsection, and the third for his right thigh. They move in unison, and should reach him at around the same time- provided their flight goes unchanged. For Imogen is focusing, particularly on the claymore, ready to give them additional commands.