[center][b]~| Day 2, 12:25 - 12:31 GST |~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Prison room|~[/b][/center] Koren turned away from the droid, which was still giving him the cold shoulder, and Tolun Fi and smiled at his new found Padawan. "You know what, I'm glad you've noticed my popularity. When we get out of here it will make it so much easier for you to deal with the fame of your Master. I am known all over the Galaxy! I land at a space port and they cheer my name." He shrugged and turned his head back to Tolun Fi. "Yes, I took a Padawan by the way." He leaned back to face Nazca. "On a serious note, the first time I am not entirely sure who was responsible for my little, venture, into the arena to meet the droid to then dismantle the droid and bring back what is apparently a useless part of technology." He walked over to Nazca. "Second time I met a Sith called Ven, interesting fellow. Has some anger management issues, which I realize is saying something when I'm talking about a Sith. On a serious note, I passed his little test and he even offered to help me out of the arena so-" He clapped his hands. "-Making friends wherever I go." He closed his eyes for a second as he felt himself falter, letting the Force course through his veins, from his centre out to all of his extremities. He then opened them again and smiled. "So my young Padawan, yes I know you probably aren't much younger than me, what have you been up to? Also do you feel ready for another lesson?"