Nicoli got his answer, which was solidified as the three of Imogens swords shot forth as if they were fired from a bow. Nicoli immediately identified which of three weapons were headed at him, their trajectories obvious as they oriented on specific places on his body. Questions were being answered quickly as he tried to determine the limits of the girl’s technique. He resisted the urge to pull out his own weapons, it would be a fruitless gesture. Battling animated swords would only serve to tire him out. What he needed was a way past that defense, to get within striking distance. It was settled, Nicoli acted quickly. He sprinted forward at the weapons as they came towards him. His body surged, adrenaline coursing through his body, pushing him to his limits instantly. The ceramic ball he had held in his left hand was tucked away with the roll of his wrist, a little sleight of hand, his right hand dipped into another pouch and came forth with a healthy pinch of a rusty red colored dust. When the three weapons were within a foot of striking their mark Nicoli dropped to his knees, throwing his body back in an impressive display of agility to let the three steel arrows shoot over the top of him. The speed at which things happened were fast, impressively so, to the onlooker it would appear Nicoli had simply dropped to his knees for but a moment and then snapped back forward and on to his feet where he would run forward to continue and try to close what had been a forty food gap between the two. During his sliding movement he had taken the moment when he was bent over backwards to watch the swords and see if any quickly turned themselves about, it would provide a good indication on how quickly his opponent could react if he saw anything. Regardless, his goal was a rather obvious one. Get close.