Hello, I've been reading many roleplays on this site and after reading the welcome package thingy, think I understand how everything works here. So could I join? here is a CS I made, just let me know if it needs tweaking to better fit this story. Thanks! [hider=Kalar Splint][b]Name:[/b] Kalar Splint [b]Age:[/b] 47 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Side:[/b] Light, Chief Ranger of Galuntrung Keep [b]Weapons(s):[/b] Yew longbow, two steel short swords. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] N/A [b]Talent(s):[/b] Expert marksman, skilled hunter, renowned survivalist. [b]Personality:[/b] Serious, calm, utilitarian. [b]Biography:[/b] Kalar Splint's tale is known from the bowels of Redoak Forest to the Iron Coast; his explots an exercise in shadow and death. He leads the famed Rangers of Galuntrung Keep, a paramilitary force in service to the Kingdom but self-funded and autonomous. No one is exactly sure how many of these rangers exist, but it is said that once you've seen one, you've missed a hundred, and it's far too late to escape their intended plans for you. Kalar founded the rangers twenty years ago, after his wife and two daughters were murdered at the roadside by a group of raiding bandits. Heart broken, Kalar lost himself to insanity and bloodlust, spending three whole years tracking down those who wronged him. That story came to a close in some open glade amidst Shadowsong's Rest, and many bad men met their end against a warrior that switched from shadow to shadow as if by magic. Since then, he has quested after bands of criminals, slaying them one by one and gaining much fame amongst the local populace. Scores joined him, inspired by his heroics, and eventually he commanded a sizable force of forest fighters that knew few equals. Today, Kalar is dedicated to keeping the roads safe from the intrusions of wars, and does his best to ensure the safety of the Kingdom's outlying villages. From the safety of his forested enclave of Galuntrung Keep, he ambushes and routs any force stupid enough to carelessly wander through his sphere of activity. However, it is but a matter of time before he, like many like him, is called to fight a larger battle the likes not seen in generations. [b]Extras:[/b] Want to travel the Kingdom's outer areas with a company of rangers? Sign up here. [/hider] EDIT: Actually, I think I might had misread things. Are we limited to the listed positions? If so, no problem, I'll rewrite something else :)