Name: Jim "Conduit" Evanston Age: 37 Alignment/Position(Good/Evil, Gang-Member, Crimelord, etc.): Kingpin Preferred Dialogue Color: [color=00aeef]Cyan 00aeef[/color] Height: 5' 10" Weight: 175 lbs Appearance(Pictures not required, but appreciated): Short, coal-black hair, goatee of the same color. Both meticulously groomed, as an obsession. Dark brown eyes, vicious smile, startlingly white teeth. Lean and muscular, long arms. Jagged scar across chest, from below left armpit up over right shoulder. Thick, powerful legs. Apparel: Prefers a Long Black Trench coat and rubber-soled combat boots. Black work pants and a white undershirt beneath. Wears a black 3 piece business suit and a yellow tie in formal occasions. Lifestyle Notes (Marriage, Children, etc.): An extra apartment in Blake Tower, the tallest building in the city. Nothing fancy, just a place to hide. Location (Political/Financial, Port, Commercial, Residential, or Industrial district): Industrial zone, beneath his primary property, the Evanston Metal Recycling plant, much of the East end of the Industrial district, closest to the Port district. Afflictions: Moderate God Complex Likes: Water, Smoke/Steam, Hard Work, Control, Fear Dislikes: Non-corrupt Police, Insubordination, Laziness, Cats Fears: An Uprising of his own or another Gang Superhuman Ability and Description: Called by himself as " The Conduit Effect," Jim can drain energy from nearly any source he is in direct contact with. Most often this is electrical energy, as it's the most reasonably attainable. But he is capable of draining actual life and youth straight out of a person, which he does as a demonstration of his power on occasion. He is then capable of channeling this energy as raw electrical power, anywhere from small power surges to full scale thunderbolts or EMP blast waves. History(At least a paragraph please): Raised working with his father at the port fishery, and motherless, Jim was forced to skip school 2-3 times a month to help his father at work to keep money flowing. Despite this, Jim managed to attend college and study business. Upon the completion of his education, Jim quickly started his Metal Recycling Plant in hopes of supporting his aging father. When his father was suddenly diagnosed with cancer, Jim turned to black business, opening a hidden drug trade through his factory. As his wealth rose, he raced to save the man who had cared for him. Despite what looked like remission, Hank Evanston died at the age of 64. Spurred on by this horrible incident, Jim expanded his operations, until he ran a massive illegal smuggling operation. Buying up more and more of the Industrial district under numerous fake companies and accounts. When the vase was opened, Jim discovered his powers would allow him to solidify his empire. As he forced members of his empire into submission by fear, he thought himself the son of a god. Using his ability, he forced other ganglords into submission, forcing them to pay tribute to him. While he didn't physically own the entire Industrial District, he expressed a vast control over the area. Follower Information(If Crimelord): Jim's followers call themselves the Wires, like the tendrils of a vast electrical network. They refer to their boss only as "The Conduit" or sometimes "The Generator." Their express purpose is to carry out his will, and they avoid petty crimes like theft or muggings. That dirty work is left to the sub-lords of Jim's empire, the Ganglords and Gangs he has forced into submission and tributation.