[@ZB1996] [@Demon Grave] [@IrishAngelQueen] [@Snarfulblast] As the fight was getting started again for this next round, Imarir heard Avalon trying to speak to the creature but ignored it [color=ed1c24]Extend!![/color] Imarir called out for his bo staff to extend to strike Mufasa while it laid there. Demingo stayed at a stead pace to be ready for any attack that was coming and Trix was ready for a counter just in case. When noticing a new figure in the field, Vanora looked on wondering who that was and listened to John who was asking who this person was and that they needed to register before fighting. Vanora brought her head up, looking bored [color=00aeef]John....not that I care, but....by the time that boy goes to register, the match may be over...why not let him help them now and if he survives, have him register and not worry about testing again. if he's able to sneak into here...then he must have some skill.[/color] She reasoned.