[@Tracyarmav][@Shikaru] If she was eager to hear the man's name, it didn't show. Elizabeth looked at him expectantly, however, waiting to hear the answer. Perhaps she'd heard Mason mention him at all, though she didn't quite recall hearing the particular names of his connections. She'd remembered seeing plenty of people, plenty of times, but the names didn't stick. She wasn't very skilled at memorizing names. Faces, rather, were her specialty. Once she associated a face, a person, a body, a figure, with good or evil, that was that. It was hard to change her impression. It stuck. The name, however, didn't ring a bell. [i]Dmitri Pavlovich,[/i] she repeated in her head, even moving her mouth to test it upon her tongue. Still, no familiarity. She wanted it to be familiar. She wanted to have a connection to the people she'd loved the most. As the man - no, as Dmitri continued to speak, she listened intently, trying to memorize information and track what he was saying carefully. She was still but a child, and her mind was bound to wander to things other than official, mature business. It was at times like these that she longed to be [i]but a child[/i] again, but no. She bore the burden of the mature at such a young age. She didn't know who to blame. There was no time to react when the dagger spliced through the door, lodging into the wall. She couldn't suppress her surprised gasp, or the immense appreciation that overcame her when Dmitri seemed willing to use himself as a human shield to protect her from harm. The scene was becoming more confusing and more frightening by the minute. Oh, she had just wanted to go home to her cat and her stew. Before she could stop herself, her childish naivety kicking in, Elizabeth blurted, "I live in a shack in the woods. There's..." she trailed off, realizing her mistake. Having no choice, she sighed briefly and continued, "There's not many people around and...I don't know how, but Mason shielded it with some...magic. I-I'm not sure."