[quote=@Mortimer] To conclude, no one dictated this place. We are just trying to keep it up from flooding due to the likes of you and other retarded kids who try to jump into the bandwagon of "omg im such a rebel im going to to create 10 different topics of what i just ate in spam zone". If you do not like it or you feel offended, get off the internet. You do not have to think like we do, but I can already see that you mongoloids lack any 'thinking' whatsoever. [/quote] Then go after the idiots who do that shit. If you take a look at most the people in here now, no one has created a tidal wave of spam threads ever to my knowledge. You're calling out a broad number of people for the actions which do not reflect all people. Its like Islam, some American like tho think that all Muslims are terrorists but in reality less than 1% of the world's population of Muslims are in any terror group with many Muslims actively calling out against the actions of groups like Al-Quada and ISIS. Go rant at the people making the treads, not "newcomers". Age does not equate to maturity.