Now that he had the attention of #5, Reggie had to think of something quick since he pulled a somersault and was right behind him this time. "Aight you ol' punk ass, tight ass, crazy ass, bitch ass, nazi ass, fuck boy. Don't think you gonna ass rape me bruh! I'll show yo pastie mayonnaise lookin ass what time it-" before Reggie could keep talking shit, He could hear Dynamo screaming in the on the intercom. hearing what he had to say about getting too close to the bomber and needing Reggie to get away, Reggie felt he was doing ok and didn't need to heed that advice feeling he knew what what the fuck he was doing. "Hey bruh! let me work this ass like how I want...if I need advise I'll-" as soon as the turrets started rattling, Reggie could feel the shocks of getting clipped. Reggie finished what he was saying to Roland "I'll get the fuck away like you said!.....Maaaaaaan SHIT!!! Ain't this about a bitch!!! I just got this shit washed!!! please black jesus, please let me stay alive long enough to see this motha fucka die!" Which sounded like he was lamenting. Reggie started to barrel roll the Slick Sexy to the to the left direction to try and get out of range from the turrets and get enough room so to make a sharp somersault to try and get behind #5 and out of his range. He was going to position himself parallel to the bomber's wing while at the same time trying to shake off the #5...that's if he's able to pull it off while trying not to take too much damage and blown out the sky.