His homeland was still at the very forefront of his thoughts. He missed it dearly, he missed his people, he missed the land, he missed the women and he especially missed plunging his sword into the Centurum invaders. He had personally killed many of the invading soldiers and had seen many more killed at the hands of his brothers and sisters in arms, but that didn't change the horrific fact that he had seen more of his own people fall to the Empire than in any act of warfare he recalled in history. The bastards would simply not stop coming. Every man they killed seem to be replaced by three more. As hard as they had fought and as much as he had believed in their cause it was clear now that defeat had been inevitable. Upon reaching Maro and being sold he discovered that his peoples fate was not a rare one. There were warriors from every corner of the globe, most being taken from their lands as prisoners of war and being sold off somewhere down the line. He didn't yet understand why the warriors were valued though, in his land they killed the opposing warriors following defeat; they did not make good slaves, most being too strong willed or too proud. For that reason Cynbel could not understand why for as long as he had been in Maro he stood among only warriors, each and every one of them being advertised for sale. It was a strange thing indeed. Then came the man whom was to buy him. He had the look of a warrior himself, although aged and likely retired from battle. Cynbel didn't hold the man in high regard, presently he held no man in high regard, not in these lands anyway. There was one half decent thing about being purchased however, the fact that they would need to travel to the buyers premises. Cynbel had spent too long standing around doing nothing, a little bit of a walk was something he had grown to desire, almost pitifully. The walk in itself wasn't all that bad, outside of the actual city Maro wasn't too horrible a place, although the landscape was too dry and open. Too open to make escape feasible. Instead Cynbel simply tried to enjoy the walk and take in the land, maybe it would be of use later on. Eventually they seemed to be approaching their destination; a large villa built right on the edge of a cliff. Even Cynbel could not deny the allure of the place, but to say he wanted to spend the rest of his life there as a slave was far from the truth. He would not in this life or the next, the thought sprang his hatred up a notch. They were soon escorted through the gates of the villa where they were made to line up in what was seemingly the courtyard. Amazingly there was no wall facing the cliff in the courtyard, this immediately made Cynbel wonder whether anyone had ever been thrown off of it. With the way the Empire treated people he thought it probable. The man who had purchased him was now present, along with another man and woman. Cynbel anticipated being told why he was there, he did not like lacking knowledge.