[b]Starting Date and Time:[/b] 5th day of Ceruleo, 300 DM [b]Starting Location:[/b] Western Gatehouse of Ebonfort (Capital) [b]CS URLs:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3012336]Rilana Aurorime'[/url] and GM [url=http://ebonfort.wikia.com/wiki/File:Sergeant_Nidic.jpg]Sergeant Nidic[/url] sighed as he watched the line of people and carts and beasts of burden move through the massive gatehouse. All were checked for citizenship, all the merchants were checked to ensure they'd paid their taxes on their goods, and if they hadn't, were taxed on the spot. It wasn't particularly exciting work, but at least it was in the capital. Nidic was new to his position, having recently been promoted after the latest debacle that could only be described as a drunken orc brawl he'd won. He still occasionally rubbed his forehead where he was sure he had a dent from headbutting a particularly large male. Normally as Sergeant on duty at the gatehouse, his main job was managing the lesser ranked Knights. The only time the humdrum was interrupted was when there was a need for a duel to occur. It was a rare occurrence, for only the most angry, stupid, or confident dared commit a crime in the capital. And Nidic always takes his subordinates chances at duels. It was one of the best parts of holding a senior position. However, since his rotation brought him to the gatehouse at the beginning of the month, there had been a standing order, straight from Lord Knight Svarak. They were to keep their eyes open for a very specific Moon Fey woman. The order was to stop her, confirm that she was in fact Rilana Aurorime', then initiate the second part of the orders. The second part made him smile, it was only something that Lord Svarak would order someone to do. [color=6ecff6][i][b]"Sergeant Nidic, the scouts believe they see the Moon Fey woman approaching the city, she should be here in fifteen slips."[/b][/i][/color] Nidic nodded at the Knight, [color=f7941d][i][b]"You know what to do."[/b][/i][/color] The Lieutenant nodded and began issuing orders. The flow of traffic was redirected, so that the people flowed alone the edges of the road. Nidic walked forward, through the parting waves of travelers, until he was just outside the gatehouse. He stood there, tall, in his odd armor. It looked large on him, and had some... odd placings at the joints. His sword and shield were large and heavy, and the grin upon his face was smug. He'd wait until he saw her approaching, and he'd lock his intense gaze on her, indicating that he was the one waiting for her. Upon arrival, [color=f7941d][i][b]"Welcome, Rilana Aurorime', I presume? I have orders from Lord Svarak to escort you to his office on your arrival, assuming you have the signed permission he gave."[/b][/i][/color] He waited for her to produce the document, or not. If she did, [i][b][color=f7941d]"Good, that's settled. However, I have one more order. Prepare yourself, Svarak would like me to do a full combat sparring with you."[/color][/b][/i] With that, he drew his Ebonsteel longsword. With a devilish grin, he shifted, his form growing slightly, so that it filled his armor more properly. Sergeant Nidic is a were creature, and his face changed to a more feline form, possibly a lynx. He let loose a feral, challenging scream, his feline eyes staring down the woman. And with that, he charged her, his sword already drawn back over his shoulder, before being swept down toward her with a backhanded slash, aiming for her left shoulder.