Aulfr glanced at the bloodstains, covering even older ones; it seemed Fate was playing its game. The bloodstain of Aleksandra's would-be assassin was covering the bloodstain of Aulfr's long-dead would-be assassin. What a coincidence- same servant, even, mopping up the floors. He gave the young maid a tiny nod as they passed, and was surprised, shocked, really, at the massive blush that erupted from the slim Noxan peasant. It begged the thought- what was his reputation outside the castle? Clearly it wasn't that of a dead-inside monster. It made him just a tad bit lighter, knowing that he wasn't viewed darkly in everyone's eyes. Even more uplifting was the arm he had on his own, the one he was escorting to a safe place. He could tell she wasn't her normal self- she dragged a bit, though the willpower was certainly strong in her. Two minutes later, and he was relatching his door, shoved into place, as he turned back to her. "First of all, Aleksandra- terribly foolish of you to go running off while you're still injured!" Here, he was angry, a little red at the face, a little... worried. "And second of all- good job indeed on taking care of everything so well! You may have just marked the Oberjarl's final throes!" Now, he was smiling, and happy, and proud, even, beaming at her, anger gone- though he did tack on, "But you'd better not go running off while you're injured again!"