Vocalia's intention to leave had all but vanished the moment she was spotted by not one, not two, but three guild members at the same time. A part of her wanted nothing more than to dig a hole in the ground and bury herself alive out of shame, but another part of her nudged her towards her welcoming party. Not wanting to be an ungracious visitor, she opened her mouth to thank the three Mages for their warm welcome... until one decided to suddenly stomp the ground, resulting in one of them turning into a humanoid otter with an injured tail that seemed to have been on the receiving end of said stomp. [i]That looks painful,[/i] she thought with a wince of sympathy, but a glance at the three Mages reminded her that she was about to do something. "My name is Vocalia. Vocalia Lac Ciel. Thank you for your warm welcome," she replied with clasped hands and a bow, secretly marveling at her lack of stuttering or muttering. "I'm actually not a guild member, but I happened to meet a Mage who claimed to be a member of Fairy Tail in the past. He suggested that I come to this building and 'have a look around', as he said. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." If there was one thing she could be grateful about her past life, it's her education on decorum and social finesse. That aside, as much as she would like to remain polite, she couldn't help but curiously gaze at Aura's weapons and Fisk and Armin's physical form, a clue to her naivety.