((Collab Post between Madly33 and Letter Bee)) The Colombia School of Engineering and Applied Science was a derilict ruin, literally smelling of Super Mutants; a band of them had settled in the campus' front and lobby, making that direction dangerous for Jackson and his Junior Knights. Thankfully, there was a back door, as well as windows, but on the other hand, destroying the Super Mutant threat would earn them an accolade; it was their choice. Jackson poked around the corner, motioning for Knights to stay behind him. He looked over his shoulder as he watched them shuffle his way. He rolled his eyes and sighed. [i]Always a babysitter[/i] He though to himself as they moved up. "If they move from position we could sneak past them no problem.." He whispered and paused. "..But seeing who it doesn't look like they are going to do that. Ready for some blood?" He asked them with a smirk. "Um.. but sir, if I may" one of the Knights whispered from the back and Jackson nodded. "The Elder would most likely rather us not risk our lifes shooting blankly at a group of Supers" He said backing off slightly to Jacksons reaction. Jackson glared at him and looked around the corner again. "Fine" He spat. "But do not ever undermind me again," he hissed as they moved away. The back door, or the windows, would lead them to a desolate set of rooms and corridors, etched with old posters and slogans and lockers and some basic laboratories. However, they would not find anything of importance until they went to the lower levels, where they would be ambushed by Protectrons and Robobrains as they entered an intersection of three corridors! Jackson pushed in past the window moving a book shelf aside and dusting off his armor as he jumped it."Damn spiders" He whispered as he flicked one off his arm. He motioned for the rest of the men to move in quietly and quickly. As he scouted around the corneres for each intersection all he found were disabled Protectrons. He paused and held his hand up pointing to the robots. "Carful not to set these assholes off, light the whole building up" The men nodded and they continued. They moved room to room looking for any signs of nondamaged goods they could take up, not much was left, from what they could tell most of the electronics they could take back were either broken or gone, scavenged already by raiders possibly. He figured they were the only people in the waste land that could stand a chance in getting past the Super-mutants. Heavy armed brutes, most died who came across them die on sight, it's not a surprise that they were warned before arriving at the university. "Sir" One of the younger men whispered from the other side of the room, as Jackson turned his head to as ask what he heard what the man was calling for. Footsets coming down the large hall just outside the room they were in, large heavy foot steps. "Damn it" Jackson hissed, a firefight would cause the whole fleet to know they were there, they would be dead in minites. Thankfully, there was a trapdoor in the room they were in, something constructed in the last days of The War. If they chose to fight, they would die. If they chose to go down to where the trapdoor led, they would find themselves in a low, claustrophobic tunnel, where their Power Armor would scrape the walls of the concrete, making uncomfortable sounds. But finally, the trapdoor would lead to another set of empty corridors...and a large chamber, a large chamber large enough to fit a veribird. And what was inside that chamber was almost as valuable; a giant treaded vehicle that would seem like a strange form of tank at first, if not for the giant crane arm that jutted out from the top of the roof. A Construction Droid. No, wait, not just a Construction Droid, but a Construction Droid equipped with a giant laser and mortar - nearby manuals would reveal that its purpose was for demolishing buildings. Not merely that, but there was, attached to its very back, a 'recycling device' that recycled metal and stone into new building materials... Jackson's eyes widened at the sight. "What the hell were these kids up to?" He whispered as he circled the vehicle. He touched the metal with cauaution. "Shall we report this back to the Elder?" One of the men shouted as they looked through the dusty books left on the shelf. "Yes. Yes of course. This.. this is something else." Jackson replied quietly, If they could get it running transportation would no longer er be a problem, and that is what they needed. Lugging armor and supplies around was a hassle not needed in Jacks eyes. He continued looking around for anything else they could take back before heading out of a tunnel leading back out onto the main road. They would find none except stacks of spare materials that can be used to repair the droid, as well as new building materials. Nevertheless, a few hours later... [b][i]Sky Citadel[/i][/b] A few hours later, the Construction Droid would arrive at Sky Citadel, much to the awe of the Brotherhood's Paladins and Scribes. Jackson E. Shadow would get an accolade, while the Junior Knights would be 'considered' for a promotion to Senior Knight. Then, a few hours more, and the debate would start, over how to [i]use[/i] the droid.began. The more idealistic members, including two of Jackson's squad, argued that it should be used to improve the Wasteland, while others, including the remaining two of said squad, would argue that the crane should be taken out and the Construction Droid should be turned to a Tank... Elder Mavarek would listen for a while, then rule - that it would be used as both.