[CENTER][hider=Toko Ling] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e5/8d/a3/e58da3350b0e68e8509a7fc0f0ce4277.jpg [/img] [CENTER][color=ed1c24]All I’ve got is my sword. You should have an easy time.[/color][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png][/IMG] Name: Toko Ling Nickname/Alias: N/A Gender: Male Age and date of birth: 14, Fifth of Januari Age Appearance: 13 - 14 Sexuality: Homosexual Parents: Wa Ling - Mother Ken Ling - Father Length and build: 5’0ft, lithe and thin. Rather than possessing bulky muscles, Toko has a thin frame, athletic like that of a dancer. Weight: 90 Pounds Favorite weather and season: Spring and summer. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Village: Konoha Birthplace: Konoha Organization: Shinobi Forces Clan/Bloodline: Ling Rank: Genin Chakra Nature: Fire [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/vmspdd.png][/IMG] Appearance: Toko possesses a thin frame, rather light skin and black hair. A set of brown eyes rest above his nose and peer at you with a soft smile stretching across his lips. There isn’t much that would catch your eyes about this boy. He wears clothes that allows for freedom of movement and prefers to move about without much encumbrance. Toko’s body is what would be expected from a ninja his age. He’s rather small which would lower the threat he’d impose to quite a drastic level. It would be uncommon to gaze upon this boy and expect much of a punch but as most would have learned through their experiences, in the world of the ninja, a person’s size and age mean next to naught. Toko always wears outfits akin to his clan, consisting of [url=http://www.finechineseclothing.com/BACKEND/Resource/ProductPic/420_680/WVT-6002-Side.jpg]an elegant silken vest[/url] that licks his thin torso rather tightly. Apart from the fingerless leather gloves donning has hands for a better grip, his arms are bare and leave little to imagination. Upon his legs, Toko wears a pair of shorts reaching down to his kneecaps. Finally by his ankles the boy's ninja sandals take over and cover his feet. Most of the time, he’d leave it at that. He dislikes accessories as they get in the way and dresses in a way that reflects his view of life, simple. Across his waist there would often be a belt which holds his blade to the boy’s side, ready to be drawn if such would ever be required. He’s not very creative when it comes to colours as most of his clothes are either black or grey, however a rather colourful personality can at times make up for it. [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png][/IMG] Personality: What lurks behind that cute little smile of his? It’s a question many have asked, but none has quite been able to decipher it. Toko doesn’t appear to be menacing in the slightest and sometimes he could seem a bit ‘too’ innocent. However, those who know him also know that this is far from the case. While not quite an act, Toko appears to be incredibly humble and never measures himself with anyone. He would much rather simply step aside and allow the situation to take its course without violence or pride getting in the way. One could call this cowardice but on the contrary, it’s confidence. Toko doesn’t feel like he has anything to prove to anyone but himself. He is very well aware that there will always be those who are stronger than he is, and there will always be those whom he can best without much of an issue. This is an objective truth which will always ring true no matter where you are, no matter when you are. In short, Toko sees no reason in measuring himself with others and has as such developed a calm, serene and harmonic personality which allows him to meet conflicts with a smile, an apology or a simple nod. Of course, this humble personality does have the tendency of pissing some people off as they can take it as patronising. This is never the intent, however when words reach physical violence, Toko will never hesitate to commence combat. The boy is an incredibly protective individual and will do everything in his power to protect those he considers his friends. However, he is not a fool. Being a ninja, Toko has been taught to be disciplined and professional, never rash and foolhardy. Quiet and without many words to share, Toko is still quite social. He enjoys contact with others but prefers to listen rather speaking. Words have a much greater impact if they are charged up with knowledge and wisdom, something that is acquired by listening. Speaking of which, Toko holds great respect towards his elders and gladly listens to their experiences as to learn from their lives. Respectful would be a great word to use when describing this boy, something he has been both praised and scolded for. He’d go as far as to respect his enemy as well, maybe to a fault. He much rather fights his opponent at full strength rather than resorting to the ninja way of using ‘cheap tricks’. While a weakness, Toko stands his ground on this and would sooner give his opponent a sword than fighting an unarmed enemy. Calling it stupidity or honour makes little difference, as it is a code he has decided to live by. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] History: Toko grew up with a close relationship to his mother and father, both of whom were incredibly open minded and accepting individuals. They raised him well, but throughout his childhood, Toko kept mostly to himself and it grew with the years. It was early that he learned that his mother had been struggling with a terminal illness but it didn’t show itself very often. In fact, she was a very strong woman but with her energy being constantly sapped, it eventually became too much. What could be considered a perfect little family was down one member once the illness finally won the fight. Since childhood, Toko’s mother had been an astounding warrior, but the one foe she could not beat was the illness draining her spirit. Her passing was hard on both Toko and his father but together they managed to struggle through it. With her gone, Toko grew even more reserved and kept to himself most of the day. The passing of a year was enough to eventually crack a small hole in the shell he had created and he started to speak more and spend more time with his father. Their relationship grew stronger once the mourning had been going on for a while and things started looking up. Ken continued with his missions, and Toko’s grades at school were picking back up. Before and after his mother passed on, Toko’s life was rather straight forward. His Bloodline Limit ability showed itself as early as ten years into his life and has since then been close to his heart. It has been the centre of his combat prowess and what draws his clan’s capabilities. Toko gets along with most people but has at times difficulties initiating meaningful conversations with others. It has however been noted that his ability to maintain social interactions with others has improved quite a bit over the years. Since an early age Toko found great interest in the concept of bloodline limits and powers all together. Given the fact that he noticed how he was 'different' at such a young age, he quickly grew interested in what other people could do. He happily spent many hours listening to stories and tales of old, learning about various clans and their feats. Theme Song: [hider=Ze Song] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hTr1lWlsng [/hider] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png][/IMG] Weapons/Items: [hider=Toko's Sword] [img]http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1e1JvIVXXXXc.aXXXq6xXFXXXp/Handmade-Chinese-font-b-Ancient-b-font-Straight-Sword-Handforged-Engraved-Blade-Collectible-Swords-1772.jpg[/img] A light sword given to Toko by his father when he graduated from the academy. This blade holds no special properties apart from good craftmanship and is the young ninja's main weapon of choice. [/hider] [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/15qxeus.png][/IMG] Skills/Abilities: Excellent - Kenjutsu and Taijutsu Good - Athleticism and Acrobatics Horrible - All other kinds of jutsu Horrible - Ranged Combat Horrible - Surprise attacks Horrible - Variation Horrible - Flexibility [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Special Traits: While wonderful physical fighters, the Ling clan are unable to manage even the simplest of jutsus beyond their own Kekkei Genkai. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Enchantment The ability to infuse an inanimate object with chakra to enhance its effect in various ways. A user of Chakra Enchantment can make a stick strong as steel or a sword supernaturally sharp. More advanced users can infuse items with flashy, flamboyant and explosive additions while others prefer a more subtle approach. The size of the item in question decides the amount of chakra used to enchant it. Unless one has unlocked an advanced stage of his bloodline limit, one item at a time can be enchanted. It is easier to enchant solid items like steel and wood, rather than free flowing items such as cloth. Living, organic material has not been known to be effected by Chakra Enchantment. It has been noted that not a single member of the Ling bloodline has been able to manage even the simplest of ninjutsu or genjutsu. It is safe to assume that the feat is impossible for them. It is speculated that chakra flows through their bodies in a different way and cannot be conjured into jutsu the way many other ninja can. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Jutsu (Kekkei Genkai): [hider=D Rank Jutsu] Name: Sharpen Type: Bloodline Limit Rank: D Range: Personal Hand Signs: None, requires physical contact with an object. Description: This bloodline technique infuses a bladed weapon with supernatural sharpness. The sword glows with a faint blue light as chakra fills the blade. While a few other ninja techniques function like Sharpen, this bloodline ability allows for a lesser or greater extent of the feat, depending on the amount of chakra poured into the skill during use. A beginner like Toko would be able to slice through thick wood without an issue, but only advanced users can elevate that to steel and beyond. Name: Dull Type: Bloodline Limit Rank: D Range: Personal Hand Signs: None, requires physical contact with an object. Description: Infusing an item with chakra, Toko can enchant an item by removing its lethality. This feat is mostly used during sparring or when the need to subdue an opponent without using lethal force arises. Name: Strengthen Type: Bloodline Limit Rank: D Range: Personal Hand Signs: None, requires physical contact with an object. Description: Infusing an item with chakra, Toko can enchant an item with durability. Through this feat, a stick can become as sturdy as steel and a blade can clash against the sword of an opponent without losing its edge. [/hider] [hider=C Rank Jutsu] Name: Impact Type: Bloodline Limit Rank: C Range: Personal Hand Signs: None, requires physical contact with an object. Description: Infusing an item with chakra, Toko can enchant an item with force. Through this feat, a sword can strike with the heavy weight of a warhammer or a dagger with the weight of a longsword. This ability is used to break through an opponent's defences with pure brute force, allowing one's weapon to deal much heavier strikes despite its actual size and weight [/hider] [hider=B Rank Jutsu] N/A [/hider] [hider=A Rank Jutsu] N/A [/hider] [hider=S Rank Jutsu] N/A [/hider] Toko does not possess any summons. [/hider] [/CENTER] [CENTER] [hider=Relationships] Seiji Onoda - Seiji-San has quite the rough exterior. I do not believe he wants many people close, but it’s a tactical decision. We were after all trained to always keep an eye open and remain vigilante, this is a way of doing so. “Toko would put his hands together and lean back in the chair, thinking it over for a moment.” I don’t know if he likes me, or anyone for that matter, but I do not mind him. He has a very interesting Kekkei Genkai and I am sure that once we get to know each other better, Seiji-San will be more comfortable around others. “A soft smile would stretch across the boy’s lips as he offers a humble nod.” Yes, I believe there is much more to Seiji-San than meets the eye. I am quite sure he will do well. Reiji Saikumo - I am sure many call him undisciplined, maybe hot headed and rash but Reiji-San is filled with passion. There is weakness in everything, passion can at times blind you but it allows for immense power in your current situation. Sometimes, that’s exactly what’s needed. Reiji-San…he could be considered a force that once unleashed, will spread its wings wide. While I do not move in the same manner, I respect Reiji-San. We are all different and his passion is rather invigorating. Taibushi Modobo - Ah, Taibushi-San. I have been wanting to commune with him more often but things often get in the way. “Toko would look up with a soft sigh, shaking his head.” Or maybe I’m just shy…Excuses often find home in a reason we wish to avoid…Either way, I see parts of myself in him and maybe we’d get along if we communicated better. On a completely practical level, I believe that his fighting style using puppets is rather amazing. I could never begin to manage something like that. Imagine how much control it must take to move every limb of an inanimate body. Toko Ling - I’m afraid there isn’t much to say about me. Hmm, I like simplicity, I find it reliable and sturdy. Swordsmanship and martial arts are essentially what utilise everything I am, and thus I find great enjoyment in them. “Toko would tilt his head for a moment at a question and rubbed his chin.” How do I feel about battles? Well, I won’t lie, I do enjoy them. However, I try to avoid it as often as possible. If something could be solved diplomatically, I believe that should be the first approach. Asuka Koizumi - We’ve sparred together and she is very skilled with the blade. I admit that I find her demeanour quite charming and cute, she always tries to keep everything in check. I think some people might think she’s stuck up but I…like that she’s being a big sister to everyone. Many of us have lost family members due to various circumstances so…I appreciate the role she has taken. Hm, I don’t know what she thinks of me, but I do enjoy her company quite a lot. “Blinking a few times, Toko would manage a soft laughter at what the interviewer said.” Oh, heh, it is true. I don’t seem to know what others think of me, despite interacting with them often. Hm, maybe I’m a bit more clueless than I first thought…that’s quite embarrassing. Shingetsu Hozuki - Another quiet one. It appears to be rather common in the ninja world to allow words to take a back seat. It makes sense, though. Shingetsu-San is incredibly disciplined and serious, someone you would quickly put your trust in on a mission. People with her determination and focus tend to go far. Kanon Nakamura - I am inspired by Kanon-San. She doesn’t let anything stop her from managing a smile or laughing together with her friends. Despite her inability to hear, it’s like all the world's sound surrounds her in a positive swirl of colours. I admit that her relaxed and laid back personality is very contagious, heh. Seichi Hino - In a team, I might want him as my leader. Seichi-San is so full of energy and just like Kanon, it is quite contagious. It might be hard to place him, given that I have mostly noted a balanced personality revolving around him but I can say that he is very polite. In short, I admit that I enjoy his company. Mao Sensei - …Mao-Sensei he’s…”Toko would lower his head a bit and rub his eyes for a moment, a soft sigh leaving his lips.” That skill is amazing. I look forward to learning under him, seeing him work and noting everything I can. There is an amount of experience there that flows with knowledge and grace. “A slight blush would appear on his cheeks once Toko was asked what he thought about Mao-Sensei.” Oh…I… “The boy would shake his head a bit and rub his arm.” He’s my teacher and…and I respect him, there is nothing more… [/hider] [/CENTER]