.:EDIT:. Finally done. Now I'm just waiting for acceptance/rejection. [hider=Lucas "Sissy" Spencer] [b]Name:[/b] Lucas Spencer. His childhood best friend and later boyfriend gave him the nickname “Sissy”. [b]Gender:[/b] Male (♂) [b]Age:[/b] Thirty (30) [b]Nationality/Country of origin:[/b] American. Savannah, Georgia, USA. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Homosexual. [b]Ethnicity/Appearance:[/b] Caucasian. He has a full head of silky smooth ginger red hair that falls to the bottom of his shoulder blades in length, with his bangs cut in a diagonal along with the curve of his face. His eyes are a deep forest green and shine with emotion, with longer-than-usual dark lashes framing them, giving him a slightly feminine appearance. He has high, slightly defined cheekbones with freckles as well as a slightly wide nose, also speckled with freckles. His lips are perhaps a bit fuller than one would expect, but his overall feminine face comes to a complete by these. Even if he ever did try to grow out his facial hair, it would only grow in patches of baby-soft fluff, so he does not try. He is known to never remove his dark green beanie. With his tall and lanky bodily build, he does not have much muscle to show of. His lankiness does have the positive side effect of his meager abdominal muscle being visible though his skin, as if he had trained them, simply because there is no fat or anything to hide them. He usually wears simple and quite worn t-shirts. Sometimes he even wears a t-shirt over another t-shirt. He has a baby pink shirt with sparkly, glitter letters that spell out “Princess” that he wears quite a lot, though. He favors denim pants and they are usually a size or two larger than what he needs to get that baggy effect that he loves. He keeps his pants up with studded belts in different colors. [b]Wild Card Status:[/b] Ace. [b]Power Gain:[/b] Lucas was likely born with his power, but did not start consciously using it till his teen years, trying to get both his power and his hormonal emotions under control. [b]Alias:[/b] Since Lucas is not publicly known, he does not have, nor does he need, an alias. [b]Abilities/Deformities:[/b] Pyrokinesis Lucas can create, shape and manipulate fire; the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products; flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. Lucas is immune to fire, but not smoke; he can still get smoke poisoning. Lucas gives off a sort of heat that is beyond that of human nature, like a very bad fever, at all times. His temperature has never gone higher than 60ºC and he usually does his best to cool down when before it goes that far by putting an ice pack on his chest. When he gets emotional, his fever gets worse; sometimes so hot that human skin cannot handle it. He does not burn himself, though; he just sweats. When he gets hot enough, his hair will sort of hover, pushed upwards by the heat rising from his skin. Due to the nature of the Wild Card infection and the seeming need for a power crutch, it might not come as a surprise to most that such a strong power as the one Lucas possesses needs a talisman for him to use it. He usually always carries around his trusted Zippo lighter, whether he wants to use his powers or not, because he never knows when he might need it. He does not need to create an actual flame with the lighter for his power to work; a spark is enough for him to work with. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Due to his power taking a lot of energy out of his body, Lucas has a very high metabolism and as a result thereof has to eat pretty much all the time. He easily gets low blood sugar and it is not uncommon for him to feel lightheaded or dizzy due to hunger; even when his last meal was barely an hour ago. His great body heat also causes him to dehydrate very easily and the warmer he gets, the more he needs to drink. With his regular temperature being higher than that of a regular human, he also needs to hydrate far more. If a normal human should drink about a gallon of liquid a day, Lucas would need to drink five – and that is for his regular temperature. When he gets emotional and his “fever” rises, he cannot leave his home; partially out of fear of losing control or accidently burning someone and partially due to having to constantly eat and drink to not pass out and/or die. When he uses or has recently used his powers, he usually has to drink several gallons of water to rehydrate and that is if he even makes it that far without passing out. If he were to pass out from dehydration, he would, without much doubt, die. Every single time he uses his powers, he risks his life due to dehydration. Fire also needs oxygen and it does not mind taking the oxygen that Lucas is trying to breathe. If he were to use his powers for an extended period or create massive flames or the like, he would likely suffocate himself. [b]Public presence:[/b] Lucas uses his powers as little as he possibly can and does everything in his might not to use it at all when others are around. [b]Personality:[/b] Lucas has a very laid back, calm kind of attitude. He is an incurable optimist and opportunist; his glass never empties, no matter how much he drinks. He is the type to sit around in gardens, playing his guitar and listening to the sound of the nature around him for inspiration or playing his tunes somewhere, hoping that someone will hear, simply so he may have made someone's day just a little bit brighter. He might even break into song, if he feels like it, or start dancing even with no music on. He loves the smell right after the rain, the sounds of the birds chirping when the sun rises and music of any and all kinds. He hates it when people are dishonest or look down on other people; even more when the put others down, just to make themselves feel better. He does, however, have a slight problem when it comes to stressful situations, such as fear, rage or confusion, as his powers tend to react more strongly to his instincts than to his actual commands. This is one of the reasons that he attempts, and mostly succeeds, at keeping calm no matter what. [hider=History:] Anne Doubt grew up in New York City, living there with her parents and three brothers. Anne’s mother, Irene, had originally moved there for college, from Georgia, but had met Paul, Anne’s father, and settled there. Anne grew up just like any other little girl would, but when she was just about entering her teen years, the first outbreak of the Wild Card Virus changed her life forever. Both of her parents and her three siblings became Black Queens and perished, while Anne herself was left alone in the world with a new, strange ability. While her ability was nothing spectacular in itself, Anne’s wish to be someone else was finally granted and she became able to take the form of other humans she met on her path. Now an orphan, Anne was shipped off to live with her maternal grandparents in Georgia. There, she met her husband to be, Martin Spencer. They were married when Anne was just twenty years of age and immediately attempted to have their little family grow. After five miscarriages in the first semester, one in the second, one stillborn and one baby that lived for only a week, Anne finally, after five years of trying and failing to become a mother, birthed a live and well son. The proud, new parents named him Lucas. Lucas was still just a toddler, only just turned a year old, when his father was diagnosed with cancer. He died two years later, after fighting with all of his might to stay alive and see his son grow up. Anne never remarried. Lucas never really thinks about how he grew up or whether his childhood was good or bad. It was a childhood. He grew up. He made some right decisions and some wrong ones. When he was little, he liked climbing trees and many a time he got stuck up there, crying for his mother to come help him. At one time, he got stuck with his foot in a fork branch; hanging upside down. He cried for his mother to come help him, only for her to excuse herself as she laughed her ass off, getting the camera to take a picture. He liked swimming, too. At one time, he was at the beach. He was paddling around in the water in his little ducky-lifesaver, when a wave came. It tipped him upside-down once again. His mother laughed her ass off again. When he got a little older, he used to go play with the other kids. They would run around with sticks, pretending that they were swords. Many times, he got hit in the head, over his fingers and anywhere else that hurt. He came home with a bloody nose at least once a week, because a make-shift arrow had hit him in the face. They would go down to the lake to fish, using home-made fishing rods made from sticks with a string on it. They would never catch anything, but it was fun. On warm days, they would jump in the lake and splash around. When he turned ten, his mom got him a guitar for his birthday. It was the best gift he had ever gotten. He would sit around in the sun, just practicing his playing while his friends played around him, enjoying his music. When they played, he would always be a bard. Down by the lake, they would just sit back and enjoy the sun, the sound of the streaming water and Lucas' guitar and just enjoy the feel of being near each other. Then, when Lucas turned thirteen, he got his very first real gift from a friend of his; a boy named Alex. It was a dark green beanie. “I got you this so you could hide that awful ginger fringe,” was the message along with the gift. This resulted in Lucas growing out his hair, so that awful ginger fringe was still visible, even when he wore the beanie. During his teens, he did many dumb things. He dyed his hair every color of the rainbow. He tried smoking and felt like he was almost dying. He even had a few encounters with alcohol, which he had to admit was not half bad. He tried smoking weed, which was not half bad, either. He kissed girls and touched girls. He kissed boys, too. He liked that better. He came out as a homosexual when he was seventeen. His best friend, Alex, got him a pink shirt with glitter letters that said “Princess” as a coming out gift, along with the nickname Sissy. Lucas never considered himself unnatural or different. Sure, he could do some things that most people could not, but his mother did not seem to think it was a big deal. His friends thought it was cool. Alex really liked it when he played with fire. As far as he knew, he had always been able to do it. His mother [i]did[/i] yell at him for hours about how he needed to control himself or they would find out, when he accidentally burned his neighbors cat. It was bald for weeks. Lucas moved out of his mothers house and into an apartment in the city that his mother had once left behind with his boyfriend, Alex, as soon as he turned eighteen. His mother had yelled at him for being stupid, kissed his cheek and told him to visit as often as humanly possible and, whatever he did, to keep his ability hidden. He agreed and left. The apartment was small, but cozy. The city was noisy. Work was hard to get and everywhere he went, he felt like people were giving him odd looks. Alex used to joke that it was the horrid ginger fringe. In fact, it was the heat that some people noticed, when they got close enough. Alex was used to it, having known Lucas for his entire life, but these people were not. Eventually, Lucas got a job as a clerk at toy store; the kids loved him, especially when he played and sang to them. Alex got a job in a bank. They were happy. After two whole years of this happiness, they had gotten so used to each other that Axel did not even wonder when Lucas came home with sweat dripping off him like he had gone swimming with his clothes on; he simply got a bag of ice and put it on his chest. He never wondered when he came home to find that they had to get a new dining table, because Lucas had burned the other one to ashes. He did not ask why Lucas called in sick, when he was clearly feeling physically fine. He just knew. Eventually, Lucas decided that he wanted kids. He did not need them to biologically his, but he wanted to adopt. Alex was all right with that and they signed up as quickly as they could. It turned out that adopting was hardly easy and despite both having well paying jobs, with Alex working as a teacher and Lucas having made it to manager of the toy store, they still had yet to get their child the year they both would have turned thirty; 1987. Lucas turned thirty on February 2nd. They held a party and everything was great. Alex would have turned thirty in October, but he never made it past twenty-nine. When the second outbreak of the Wild Card Virus spread, Alex was infected and became just another statistic casualty.[/hider] [b]Relationships:[/b] [Father] Martin Spencer – Deceased (Cancer) [Mother] Anne Spencer (formerly Doubt) – Living in Georgia [Boyfriend] Alex Fulton – Deceased (Black Queen) [b]Base of operations:[/b] Lucas does not do any operations and as such does not need a base for them. [b]Why do you want to play this character?: [/b] Lucas is an old character of mine that has been developed and adjusted over a period of several years. Every time I play him, he changes and it is so special to experience these differences in the same character. Every single one of my characters carry a little bit of “me” in them and I want to see how his part of “me” will function in this setting. That, and I really want to play him ‘cause he’s fun to play. [/hider]