[quote=@Antarctic Termite] [@lady horatio] Thank you for staying while you could. For everyone else, I'm here to deliver the news everyone's expecting, and I'm going to be at least 70% honest about it: I'm going to discontinue this incarnation of the roleplay. In other words, closing time. There are a few disjointed reasons for this, and since I've made the ever-obnoxious move of doing this without warning, I'm going to go through the most balking of them. The main reason is simply NaNoWriMo. Even without intending to meet the 50,000 word (100 page) endpoint by the 30th, writing 1,100 words a daily underneath my final year at school is too unsteady to keep both Advent and an off-site roleplay on the run. One of the two has to go, if not both, and even though it didn't volunteer as tribute, Advent's name got chosen and it's off to the Capitol for a spot of culling. This is happening even though NaNo kicked off well after this roleplay revved its engine- It's my first year on the project and I want to see it through to the end with my friends, even if it means realising that I've bitten off a hell of a lot more than my feeble molars can chew. If anyone feels frustrated and wants to frustrate themselves some more in a masochistic positive feedback loop, PM me and I'll get the remaining 30% of honesty to you tomorrow. It's about as petty as you'd expect. I'd like to say that I'll come back at the end of November if I can, but in my experience, that almost never happens. So here's to breaking the suspense and wishing y'all luck on getting back into the endless ramble for a roleplay that lasts. High winds and full sails to all of ya. [@20aliens][@Ryuzaki][@The ghost in black][@ZB1996][@darkwolf687][@Vocab] [/quote] Good luck, mate