Seems cool. Here's my try at a CS. Cookie if you get the reference. [hider][b]Name:[/b] Galio Sharp [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Side:[/b] Other, former Light, former Knightguard, currently Key of the Mistwalkers [b]Weapons:[/b] Punch dagger (mastered), dirk (mastered), throwing knives (mastered), choking thread (mastered), arming sword (average), longbow (poor) [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] Superchromacy: Sharp can distinguish very similar color hues, and can see infrared right (usually heat waves) as a fuzzy orange. Can map and identify people under thin cover (single wooden door, curtains, vegetation). Eyes adapt faster than a normal human's to night vision. Lightsplitting - shimmer: Sharp can become invisible, diverting all light away and through him. He is blind while invisible. High winds, dust storms, and rain droplets, as well as other similar small particle effects, make lightsplitting very difficult. He can extend his invisibility to his clothes, but only to a certain radius (clothes that are too loose might not be entirely hidden, and he can't hide bags). Lightsplitting - negation: Sharp can, to a certain extent, suppress the light, darkness, and energy based supernatural skills of his targets, one at a time. Requires extreme concentration. Lightsplitting - shimmer and lightsplitting - negation can't be used simultaneously. [b]Talent:[/b] Document forgery, ventriloquism, knife juggling, tailoring, basic first aid, and, if there are multiple languages in the setting, just assume Sharp knows all the major ones. [b]Personality:[/b] Galio Sharp is a wild mix of cynicism and idealism, speaking in genuine awe of his grand plans one moment, and shrugging nonchalantly as he slits your throat the next. Due to his line of work, he is adept at playing fake personas, and can display nearly any trait on cue. He almost never gets attached to anyone, but can go to greatly respect another's wit or cunning. Days and nights spent tracking in the shadows have greatly improved his patience. [b]Biography:[/b] When he was a young inductee into the Knightguard, Galio, of house Sharp, gave into the folly of youth, and fell in love. Having thus broken his oath, he was hunted down, narrowly escaping. His lover wasn't so lucky. Dismayed, Galio changed his name and appearance, and became a small town mercenary for a while. Once, while bounty hunting, he found himself competing with an assassin, who was tasked to kill or capture the same bounty. Galio found and subdued him first. Impressed, the assassin invited Galio to join in their organisation, the Mistwalkers. At face, the Mistwalkers are a mercenary and bounty hunting organisation, accepting both Light and Dark races and individuals. You give them a name, they give you a price. High success rate. But, deep below, they're much more. With their war aid, capture, and assassination contracts, they merely fund their true mission: freeing everyone from oppressive tyrants and kings. Their motto is, "Light cannot be chained, and Darkness has no edges." However, they can't just off all nobility at once. Doing that inappropriately would create power imbalances that would crush the newly "freed", but disorganised, people. Thus, their process of offing rulers is slow and methodical, spanning centuries. Sharp, through excellence and dedication, has become the Key of this organisation, which is their highest rank. [b]Extra:[/b] Many other Mistwalkers have the exact same supernatural abilities as Sharp. In fact, some are even better than Sharp. Being the Key is based on intellect much more than sheer ability as an assassin. [/hider]