[quote=@Shikaru] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fWWkv9Z.jpg[/IMG] Name: "Bloodsucker" Anya Sandrow Age: She looks 13, she is actually 150. Birthday: She forgot a loong time ago. Magic: Anya's magic is...special. To say the least. A good portion of it is influenced by blood, either her own or how much she recently drank. This is of course, not to say she solely relies on blood for her magic, nor does she solely rely in magic in fighting. Bloodletting: Anya has the unique ability to cause her opponents wounds to bleed more than they should, not only does this help her with feeding, it also serves as a less lethal way to end fights. This isn't to say that she can make someone bleed out within minutes, it simply makes a small cut bleed more like a gash and so on and so forth. This power really only works if she recently fed and grows weaker as time goes by. Acidic Blood: Normally, her blood isn't acidic or even harmful aside from ingesting it, however she developed magic that DID make her own blood a weapon. Normally, she makes a cut on her hand and allows blood to pool up before propelling with a strong force towards her opponent. Upon contact the droplets will begin burning and mildly corrode the area of skin that they came into contact with, side affects of this is sluggish-ness and lethargy. She uses this ability sparingly, as it would obvioisly have very negative effects on her if used constantly. Memory Wipe: This ability only comes into play when she feeds, she cannot use it anytime except a few minutes after she feeds and the wipe only goes back to a minute or two before she fed upon said person. Natural Healing: Not really magic but rather an inherent trait vampires seem to have. She has a minor healing factor that allows her to shrug off light cuts and such, possibly even a deep cut depending on how long it has been since she last fed. This also allows her to recover from near fatal wounds much easier than a mortal would, however she still has to take time to heal, she is not Wolverine. Enhance: An ability that directly correlates to the massive scythe she uses in combat. She uses this ability to control the weight, sharpness, length and etc. of the blade. It is also possible to temporarily imbue the the blade with fire or lighting, though it is of course a lot more taxing than simply modifying it at its base. Enhanced Strength/Speed: On top of the moderate boost she gets from being a vampire, she can further increase her strength and speed in short bursts. Doing so, however, is extremely taxing and only used when there is no other option. Magic Level: A History: Anya was abucted by an evil cult when she was ten, she never recalled her parents, their names nor their faces. She thought if she did have parents, they simply didn't care what had happened to her. However, she was wrong. Her parents had died protecting her unbeknownst to herself. Apparently, Anya was important to some prophecy the cult worshipped, 'the key to it all'. Anya, of course, had no clue what they were talking about, she only wanted to go home. Although it wasn't told to her, she was the final puzzle piece in summoning a greater demon of unspeakable power, meant to destroy the world and re-build it. She lived the next three years in constant pain, either through torture or 'preperation' rituals. Preperation for what, she wasn't sure of. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good. She no longer held out hope that she would survive, she didn't care if she did, the only care she had was to murder every single member of the cult even if it killed her. Another week passed, and it was time. She was brought to a room in a black robe and chained in place. She was ready to die, ready for the torture to end. The cultists began chanting, a few opening wounds on various spots on her body with daggers. She began to bleed profusely and she could feel there wasn't something quiet right with her body. She felt like she was on fire, her body began convulsing. The room grew dark and the chants grew faster. By now blood had filled the symbol on the floor space she was chained to, the chanting ceased. The cultists stared on waiting for something to happen, waiting for their master to awaken. What they got was something entirely different. Anya roared and snapped her shackles and exposed fangs, in a fury of blood lust and hate she ripped into the surprised cultists like a tiger into a deer. The cultists tried fighting her off with their blades, their magic itself was actually weak so it didn't do them much good. It was over in a near instant, her captors were dead, her revenge was had. She stumbled out of the basement of the complex and out into the forest and collapsed soon after. She thought for sure she was dying and she welcomed death after three years of torture. Death didn't come, however. She woke up in a hospital bed, where exactly she wasn't sure. What she did know is she was alive and clearly wasn't herself. She also felt..hungry. A searing hunger that she didn't recall experiencing before, a hunger for blood. She fled the hospital and the town, she didn't know what was wrong with her but she sensed she'd kill someone if she wasn't careful. In the outskirts of town a man in his twenties, a merchant it seemed, was navigating a wagon of weapons pulled by horses. She was hungry, and her hunger took hold of her. She lunged at the man, ripping his throat out and drinking the sweet red liquid that poured forth. After she was satisfied, she realized what had happened, what she had done. She fled the scene and kept running. She knew from the on she couldn't stay in one place for too long, not until she learned how to control herself. And thus, she set out to roam Fiore for 20 years, completing odd jobs here and there to keep herself clothed. She also still liked 'normal' food as well, and you needed money to buy that. Eventually she purchased her weapon, a massive scythe taller than she was. Despite it's size she wielded it with ease and grace. For another 130 years she roamed, moving from town to town, completing job after job. Eventually she amassed a good amount of jewels for herself and learned how to control herself so long as she stayed fed regularly. She also learned some magic that she assumed was due to what she was, what she was was un-clear to her to be precise. Almost universally she was called a leech or a demon, or both, however. She felt something was...lacking, however. She couldn't quite put her finger on what. She then stumbled upon Phoenix Wing, a mage guild. Perhaps..that's what she needed, to be around people, to be accepted, to have friends. And thus, she joined them. She's a very new member, only having joined approximately 6 months ago. And thus, she doesn't really know many people, not has she fully came forth about what she is or her past yet. In time, maybe she would reveal more of herself. However, for now she had to learn to trust them. Personality: Anya is fairly out-going yet partially shy to new people. Once you get to know her, however, she is really a nice and kind person. She is completely loyal to friends. She acts childish, she is also slightly sadistic and a bit of a masochist. Guild and guild mark location: Phoenix Wing member, mark is on her left cheek covering a scar. Team Members: None, yet. Three Strengths: 1. Extremely loyal to friends. 2. Given she's a vampire, she has increased stamina, speed, and strength when compared to a human. 3. She's kind to strangers and always tries to make friends despite her troubled past. Three Weaknesses: 1. Decapatation or impalement will kill her. 2. She is easily upset and WILL lash out when she is. 3. She is probably too friendly to strangers, given her past. Greatest Love: Her immortality. Motivation: She's motivated to figure out what she is and precisely why and what the cultists had hoped to accomplish. Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fWWkv9Z.jpg[/IMG] Her Scythe: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ZmEMYVC.jpg[/IMG] She has a multitude of scars across her body. The most prominent being a scar extending from above her left eye and ending directly below her right. She is 5 foot even, as not seen in the picture she wears leather boots. Additional Details: She likes pie and making new friends. She HATES when people ask about her past, often throwing a fit if they insist on continually asking questions, often injuring the person asking whether they are a friend or not. [@Expolar][@Zarkun] ---- moved her. [/quote] I give her a pass.