[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | Monday, June 1 2015[/b] Much as expected, Rui had indeed come to speak about what had happened in... wherever that place had been. As he gave a subtle pose to indicate the topic - most likely because 'summoning magical beings' sounded a little ridiculous in any serious conversation - which seemed familiar - but luckily, he spoke on before Kotori could recall the scene of him and the shirtless Noboru posing in the mall some time ago. As he stated that he was just checking in today, she gave a nod followed by a [color=green]"Ah, yes, I'm fine. No need to worry."[/color] She gave an awkward half-smile at that - given that he'd heard her talking literally to herself, he had to know that 'fine' was a rather relative term. However, it was still as true as could be. He then handed her his phone number to be able to contact him on the matters before leaving after saying his goodbyes. [color=green]"Yes, that's right,"[/color] she confirmed her discharge date before giving another small bow as he was leaving: [color=green]"Goodbye, Shinichi-san."[/color] Once he'd left, Kotori reached for her phone to save the number - which, she realised, was the first number outside her family's that she'd entered. Not only that, but it was even a boy's - but before she could think on that, another knock could be heard from the door. When the door wasn't opened afterwards, as she might have expected from a nurse, she put her phone aside before calling [color=green]"Come in"[/color] to whoever this visitor may be. Her mother had been a given, as had the police - and Rui, likely as a representative of the others, too, hadn't been completely unexpected. This left her wondering - until the door opened to reveal it to be Toma. Kotori was quite surprised at that - but gave a small bow in greeting nonetheless. [color=green]"Ah, good evening, Tanaka-senpai,"[/color] she said - before getting a closer look at the older boy. Concern came over her face as she noticed that he looked more than a little under the weather - and he hadn't been the first person to do so today. [color=green]"Uhm, are you alright?"[/color] she asked, a little hesitantly - which likely seemed a little odd, considering that she was supposed to be the patient and he the visitor.