[@Esterdi][@Cultural Titan] Keep any stabbing out of my court room (physically) and the newspapers(figuratively). The former because I just had a preposterously comfortable carpet laid down there and the latter because I want to represent a united front to the populace. Speaking of I want to have a chat with the necromancer about possible agricultural uses for skeletons/zombies. If one ignores all the warbling about unethical use of corpses, there's potential there for a peasant labour force that does not tire or eat it's own products. I need the manpower for other projects. [quote=@White Feather] possible that the King is a big fan of Agnatic-Cognatic Ultimogeniture. [/quote] Another reason to join the Dark Side! Azhek Ahriman promotes an egalitarian society where all are equal (under my bootheel) without regards for race or creed! /IC I am having [i]way [/i]too much fun with this. Also White Feather did you just nick one of Azhek's titles?