[hr][h1][i][color=lawngreen]Sonya & Maria Mayfield[/color], [color=lightgreen]Marcus Rowland[/color], & [color=DarkSlateBlue]Cassius Taylor[/color][/i][/h1][i]Written in collaboration with [b][@DJAtomika][/b] & [b][@Zombiedude101][/b][/i][hr] It was a real pain in the ass not having a car! Fortunately, with her rank, Sonya was able to score them a ride. A black sedan with tinted windows rolled up on the crimescene. It stopped, and the back doors opened. Sonya stepped out, with her sniper rifle hanging off her back, and her tongue flopped out from in between their lips. Ah... the streets were nice and humid for her. Just like she remembered Verthaven being. Maria stepped out of the other side of the car, in her original form. A five-five Spanish woman with brown dreadlocks, and wore the NEST armor. She had on sunglasses. Sonya was the first to walk up onto the crimescene, she put her hands on her hips, before gazing upon it. She kept a smile on her face as she said. "This is not good." Maria stood at her side, and then shrugged. Like Grue said, the VPD got here before NEST could. They already had the area locked down. Police tape, and Cora's body already had a cloth over it. Sonya could smell the blood from all the way over here. The man who discovered her body was being questioned. Only problem was that Cora was a [i]registered[/i] Metahuman. That means that they should be passing it off to NEST. Looks like Sonya has to put her foot down. The two Mayfields walked up to the scene, and then she was stopped by a VPD detective that put his hand up, saying, "This area is closed off by the VPD." "Ummmm...." Sonya quickly put her head down, and looked at her obviously [i]NEST[/i] suit, and looked back up at him, saying, "We're NEST. We recieved word that a Metahuman was murdered." "Yeah, but we have this." The detective said. Maria took a step forward and said, "You at least have to let NEST take a look." "No. This is VPD business." "Come oooooon." Sonya said. "It's fine, I'll settle it." a voice addressed from behind. Cass waved his colleague away with a gloved palm and nodded to the the two agents as he looked them over. "I'm Cassius Taylor, Robbery and Homicide Division," he unclipped his badge and gave them a moment to check out his credentials. "I take it you're here for the same reason as us?" Sonya leaned in and took a hard look at his badge. Well, he checks out. She had to thank him for stepping in. "Thanks. It's great to meet you." Sonya nodded her head. She figured that she'd do the same. She reached to her suit, and presented her badge. "[i]Sonya Mayfield.[/i] NEST Special Operations and Reconnaissance." She said with a smile, nodded her head. Maria did the same, and presented her badge. "[i]Maria Mayfield.[/i]" "We heard that a registered Metahuman was murdered and NEST sent us." Sonya said. "So, can you give us the 411?" "We arrived on-scene about half an hour ago and found our witness by the victim's body, my colleague's still taking a statement but he's still worked up about it." He thumbed towards the two. "This is no good." Sonya said. "Maybe me and my partner need to have a word with the witness." Sonya looked around, and her sharp eyes spotted a camera hanging off from the bank across the street. From the way it was positioned, it could easily get a good view of the alley. She pointed at the camera. "And we're gonna need to have a look at that camera." "If it helps I'll see about pulling the surveillance footage, but you might want to check out the victim's body before talking with the witness. Whoever did this, based on the witness' statement, it looks like the work of something you're probably used to dealing with." "It isn't going to be good, isn't it?" Sonya peered over to the cloth that was draped over Cora. She knew that this wasn't going to be good - but good was never really apart of the job, now was it? She let out a sigh. An unnecessary gesture like she breathed through her skin. She stepped over to the cloth - leaving Maria behind - and knelt down. She grabbed the cloth - stopping for a second when she hesitated. Then she just yanked it upwards. She had to wretch. It had to be horrifying as it got. The woman's jaw just ripped off, blood dripped down what was left onto her cold body. Her tongue was flopping out. And that wasn't even the [i]worse[/i] part. Her chest was ripped open. Just like [i]something[/i] reached in and pulled it open. She had to lean in a little closer to see that [i]organs[/i] were forcibly torn out. Her heart was gone. Her god damn heart. Taking a closer look at her face, it looked familar. Like one of the people Henry was talking to at the Charity Ball. Despite being a sniper, things like this always got to her. Sonya shook her head, and dropped the cloth. She stepped back over to Maria and said, "She got torn to pieces." Sonya said. "Reminds me of one of those cult rituals I seen back in Black Fall." She shook her head. "[i]If[/i] it was a Meta, I think it had to be a Bestial-type from the way it tore her up. Besides, they're the only type strong enough to do damage like [i]that[/i] and get away fast enough." Maria nodded her head, she turned to Cass, and said, "We're going have to talk to the witness - do you know his name?" "Marcus Rowland. He said he works at the cafe just around the corner and was on his way to work when he cycled by, heard the scream and found the victim." "Grue," Sonya said into the comms, "Can you get us any information in Marcus Rowland? Is he a Metahuman?" "Let me dig up some information..." Dana trailed off, typing away on the computers. She came back a few seconds later, after apparently opening up his file. "Correct. He's a Regenerator and a Osteokinetic. An army veteran. Works at a Cafe in Union Point Hills." "Good, thanks Grue." "Anything for a RAVEN." Dana said. "And while you're at it, can you get me footage from the Tricia Romani Credit Union on Hush Willow Road?" Sonya also asked. "I'll need a few minutes." "Sure, take your time." Sonya smiled. "I'll just have a word with our witness in the meantime. Merryday out." She brushed her hands off, and faced Cass and nodded. She looked around, her ears pointing her in the direction of the men that were interogating Marcus. Merryday walked up to them, and pulled out her badge, displaying it to the VPD Detectives. "Agent Sonya Mayfield of NEST Special Operations and Reconnaissance. I'd like to have a word with him." She threw a thumb in the direction of Maria. "She'll answer any questions you have." Marcus was at the entrance of the alleyway, shifting about nervously as the cops and NEST did their thing. He'd seen the woman with the sniper rifle and her companion enter the alley to check out the body, but he really wanted to get back to work and away from this...horrible scene. Sonya walked up to Marcus, and gleefully said, "Hello, you're Marcus Rowland? I am Sonya Mayfield, and I'm with NEST investigating the murder. That man over there said that you saw something? Can you tell me everything?" [color=lightgreen]"Well, uh...a couple minutes ago, right, it was raining real heavily? And I was on my bike, um, heading towards Haven. Then as I got across that bridge there, I heard a scream, and uh, I pedaled my way here and I found her like that. There was a, um, [i]thing[/i], that I saw for just a second, it disappeared up the side of the building. Long arms, short legs, um, like kinda like a guy of sorts. And its eyes, man, I think they were [i]glowing[/i]. Then I lost sight of it. It was, like, blazing fast, didn't see any more than a glimpse. Then I found her like that..."[/color] Oh dear. This isn't good. N. He sighed. Seeing Cora like that, it wasn't easy. [color=lightgreen]"She was a regular in our cafe. Caramel latte. Extra caramel and cream. Always, without fail, every day after a photoshoot."[/color] Oh dear. This isn't good. Not only did he find a body, but it had to be his [i]friend[/i]. Sonya understood the man's grief - but there was another problem. Going off his account, she assumed that he was talking about a creature or something. The killer obviously was a Metahuman... Only problem was figuring out [i]what[/i] kind of Metahuman. Or if the Hands have something to do with this. Of course, if the VPD was handling this, they would have shafted Marcus and accused [i]him[/i] of being the killer. Sonya believed him, he seemed to be legitimately shocked... That, and she was listening to his heart beat, his breath - sniffing the hormones he gave off. He was telling the truth (Or was a damn good liar). "Sorry to hear that woman was your [i]friend[/i]." Sonya hung her head. "But, I'm going to find the person responsible for this. I promise you, and [i]her[/i] friends and family, that." However, Sonya figured that she did the heroic speech a little too early. There were lots of questions she had to ask to narrow things down. They were already fairly narrow, but NEST needs things to be simple as possible. "Do you know if Cora, or her family, have any enemies?" [color=lightgreen]"Um...I'm not too sure. I mean, like, she only visited our cafe a whole lot. I didn't really get to know her that well. She did a lot of photography though. Always came in with her camera and a bag."[/color] Sonya figured that this shouldn't be the extent of her questions. "Did she mention anything like a bad boyfriend, or getting stalked?" [color=lightgreen]"Mm...not really. But is there anything I can do to help?"[/color] "Appreciate it, but Ieave this to NEST." Sonya said, nodding her head. This was the moment Grue contacted them again. "Agent Merryday. I have checked the bank's cameras; apparently it dragged Cora into the alleyway, where it came out several moments later. It went north via rooftop. Also, several other cameras caught Marcus at the exact moment that it was leaving. So that crosses him off." Sonya turned to Marcus and said, "Well, looks like we found [i]your[/i] alibi." She turned to the VPD Detectives. "Let him go, boys." Sonya started laughing. "... Looks like we got a lead." "In that case,he sooner we move, the better," Cass added. Most NEST Agents would simply tell Cass to buzz off and let NEST handle this one. Fortunately, that was not Sonya Mayfield. "... Let's go!"