[color=goldenrod][i]"Jesus Christ on a Corndog-"[/i][/color] Whirling around in her seat, Roze had swiftly pulled out her gun from her holster and was aiming it at the stranger in the backseat - and man, was she strange. Dressed like she'd just come from a LotR convention in Elf Cosplay, only minus the pointy ears. But the old-fashioned dress, the envy-invoking locks atop her head, and a strange ethereal beauty hanging about her. Seriously, was this chick from Rivendell or something? Was Earth being invaded by Orcs? She'd take them over demons any day. At the very least Orcs stayed dead when you lopped their head off. Demons just got shot back to Hell, and soon crawled out again in no time. [color=goldenrod]"Listen up sweetcheeks - you materialize in the backseat of my car without an invite, so I'll be the one asking the questions. First being - Who are you, and how in the Hell do you know my name?"[/color] Roze asked the lady in a smooth tone, eyes narrowing and gun pointing straight at the heart. Shooting a supernatural being in the heart will rarely kill it, but it sure as hell hurt them and slowed 'em down. Especially when using iron rounds. However, Roze's mind was racing as she tried to work out [b]what[/b] eaxctly this chick was. She knew for damn sure that this wasn't any human. Like some kind of "Spider-Sense" tingling away in the back of her mind, she could quite easily tell the different between a regular ol' mortal, a not-so regular mortal (like herself and her sister), and an immortal. Like this chick here. [i][color=goldenrod]"Alrighty... can't be a Vampire, the sun's still up. Too out of place to be a Werewolf... a Shifter? Possible, that'll make putting it down much more easy... and definitely not a Demon, not with the traps and warding spells I've put up......Shit, is this one of those Pagan Gods? Christ, if this is about that thing in Atlanta, I'm gonna kill Bobby myself- FOR FUCK'S SAKE'S Hayden WHERE THE SHIT ARE YOU"[/color][/i] And so on went the turmoil in her mind as she awaited her answer.