[center][h1]Sometime the only thing you can do is run.[/h1] [img]http://cdn.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I00008yUngRftBos/s/650/650/Run-away.jpg[/img][/center] [i]All we ever wanted was to live in peace. All we ever wanted was to be left alone. Can't you see we're no different than you? But you scorn us, beat us, burn our houses to the ground and the very worst of you enslave us. It can't last forever, you have to know that. We're stronger than you, we have power that you can't even dream of. But you have control of everything else. You can't treat us this way forever, we will rise up one day... but for now all we can do is run. Run from the World.[/i] This RP will center around a group of teen to early adult members who were taken prisoner by a corporation intent on either using there powers for their own ends or selling the meta-humans to the highest bidder. An explosion in the meta human prison leads to a break in the security grid from which a large group of the imprisoned meta humans escape. No one among the escapees has [i]any[/i] information about the cause of the explosion. The prison is colloquially referred to as [i]The Center[/i]. This RP takes place a couple weeks before the explosion that releases the metas on the world. This is so we can get a feel for our characters and work out how they relate to one another for when the prison break actually occurs. There are several prison factions available to chose from for your character or you are welcome to create a new one. Our cast is comprised of an ensemble. This means that it will be as sizable as we have interest and that each character is no more important than the rest and I am fully capable of killing off a member of the group should they chose to disregard this. That said as long as you all get along you are welcome here. If the group gets too large I may decide to separate cast members into two groups that may well have limited contact with one another. [center][h2]Rules[/h2][/center] 1. Basic RP rules are in effect, so follow them. 2. This RP is casual, I'll try not to get on your case about it but [i]at least[/i] one or two paragraphs is expected and more is encouraged. Spelling and grammar should be correct but I'll try not to mention it unless desperately needed. 3. I don't want to see anyone fighting in the OOC. We're here to have fun, not bite each others heads off. 4. If you are going to be absent for an extended period of time let us know. I'll be as lenient as I can but at some point your absence will begin to weigh down other characters. I don't want you to come back and find we've killed off your character cause we thought you'd quite. 5. If anyone wants to be Co-GM, just ask. I'll give the position to someone (or two) who I think can handle it. 7. This may be redundant but please place a header that the beginning of your post that has the name of the character you play and there present location, more or less. This may be unnecessary with a small cast if we get too many interested parties it will make it much easier to locate and assess the status of characters. I'm not going to enforce this but I would appreciate it if it was followed. 8. As a rule no two people should be using the same power, similar abilities (such as telekinesis and tactile telekinesis) could be allowed if there is a significant difference or duplicate powers may be permitted on a case by case basis depending on circumstance. 9. Do try to curb your powers as best you can, I know we're dealing with meta humans but no one likes a god moder. All abilities have weakness so don't forget yours. 10. Most importantly, have fun. Failure to follow this rule will not be tolerated. TO THE DUNGEON WITH YOU! 11. Please bear in mind guys that I'm not an experience GM. I'll try to keep the RP running as smooth as I can but if I start breaking some of my own behavioral rules or if you feel like you want to leave because of my personality please tell me. I'm never trying to be a jerk but I sometimes come off in that light just cause of the way I approach certain things. [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] (Obviously) [b]Age:[/b] (Between 14 and 25) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] (where are they from) [b]Prison Faction:[/b] (what group in the prison do they belong to) [b]Ability:[/b] (list name of power, if it is uncommon explain it as well, please also outline any weaknesses or personal drawbacks it might have or your character applies to it) [b]Biography:[/b] (at least two paragraphs, the more detailed the better) [b]Personality:[/b] (give me an idea of what they are like) [b]Appearance:[/b] (picture is fine, prefer real life, will accept animated but for the love of god please no Japanese Anime. Perfectly alright with text description) [b]Other:[/b] (anything that doesn't fit into the other groups) [/hider] [hider=Faction Sheet] [b]Faction Name:[/b] [b]Leader:[/b] (Who's in charge) [i][indent]Power: Appearance:[/indent][/i] [b]Purpose:[/b] (Why was the faction created?) [b]Age:[/b] (How long has the faction been around? Is it as old as the prison or just begun?) [b]History:[/b] (What notable events have occurred in the history of the faction?) [b]Leadership:[/b] (A leader is important but they can't govern alone, what does there support structure look like all the way down to the grunts.) [b]Selection:[/b] (Who is allowed into this faction? What rules determine acceptance?) [b]Initiation:[/b] (Some form of test to determine if someone is good enough to join this faction, may involve the arena or completion of a task.) [b]Size:[/b] (How big is this faction? How many members? Size should reflect ability and age.) [b]Assets:[/b] (What boons does this faction offer over other factions, these might include better arena and auction house times, lunch tables and foods and favors from the guards.)[/hider] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87038-running-from-the-world/ooc]Running from the World[/url] has already begun but due to several drop outs and dwindling membership we require fresh blood to keep it alive. Do not be intimidated by the number of characters already present as I am unsure how many of them are actually still involved and this is meant to be a large scale RP anyways.