Soon the Yit was in hyperspace, on as direct a route to Korriban as was possible. David had found himself unsurprised to discover that an archaeologist had a pet project there. One Siador Dren. It was suspicious, but even Huleez had been unable to discover anything when trying to farsee. But that didn't mean much. Korriban was so steeped in the Dark Side that it would obscure any attempts to discern it. Even so, David was suspicious, and he wanted to play cautiously. He would stay aboard the ship at first, as his Padawans disembarked under the pretense of filling job openings at the dig. Someone knew his face, he hoped they didn't know anyone else's. As the ship descended, David left the controls to Arthur and went to the ship's common room to see his apprentices off. They were dressed inconspicuously, no robes here. Even Huleez who dressed in Mirialan clothes most of the time was garbed as a spacer. She looked uncomfortable in her clothes, or perhaps it was the blaster rifle slung across her back that unnerved her. David had wanted at least one of them to take up a security position, so they could get a bigger picture of the operation. Huleez was far and away the worst choice in most regards, but she was the best shot with the rifle, and he needed someone who could shoot straight if he hoped for her to actually get the job. "Alright," David said to them. "I don't know exactly why we're looking for. A Gungan would be a nice start. We'll need to trust in the Force. Feel, don't think. Come back to the ship to report to me, no comms in case they're intercepted. You're ready." The last part was a confident declaration rather than a question.