[b][u]Manhattan Island:[/u][/b] Another corpse, tossed by the wayside. Another who couldn't or wouldn't make the trip back to the slavers' camp. Any possessions she might have had were taken from her before her fatal march, while her boots were taken shortly after she expired. Gabriel was hunched over the body, forcing himself against his will to examine the injuries and agony the lamented had suffered. Age? Young, still a child, probably no more than 14. Gender? A girl. Her dreams and hopes? Did it matter? Yet another lost soul that expired in the savagery of the Wastelands. Another senseless waste. Gabriel looked into her half-lidded, empty eyes for a moment, before reaching out with his hand and closing her eyelids. When he withdrew his hand, she almost looked peaceful. He got up, giving her one last look. She needed a burial, a plot of land to call her own now that life itself had been stolen from her. But he had no luxury of time or effort to do that; others needed his help. Her body would be exposed to scavengers and the elements until they can find her body in more generous circumstance. If they ever found her body again. Gabriel turned back to the group. "West, that way," Gabriel pointed. "They're probably at their camp by now. We can follow them, but if the camp is heavily guarded, we're going to need to look out. I'll scout the way, give a dog howl when I find something." He stalked up ahead, making his way through rubble and roads to track the slaver group. Already, the steps were becoming more and more obvious, a path clearly getting more and more used by people, whether slaves or their newest victims. A few bodies also marked the way, half-eaten by predators and worn away by wind and dirt. Some were just thrown in piles, other crucified or hung on trees as a warning to trespassers. He had gotten close, standing by another dry pit which had probably been another pond before The Fall. Already, the stench of the slave camp was strong upon the wind. Best to turn back, he thought, fighting against every muscle and sinew that cried out for vengeance. Best to go back and call the others, get some backup before he does some damned fool thing like take on an entire slaver camp on his own. He grit his teeth sharply, feeling them being pushed back into his gums, before he stiffly managed an about face, cupped his hands to his mouth, and uttered a long, mournful howl into the wind, like a lost mutt wailing in hunger. With another effort of will, he began walking back, first trudging, then moving silently to avoid bringing attention upon himself. When he finally returned to the group, he looked at the assembled men. "They're up ahead, just due North-by-Northwest," he spoke up. "Probably heavily armed and defended; I saw a couple guard towers." He knelt down and began sketching the southern outline with a stick. A rough map of the southern part of the camp was quickly made. "If anyone has any plans," he said, "now would be a good time to say it." [b][u]Liberty Island:[/u][/b] Sparks couldn't stop worrying over Gabriel; the journey through Manhattan may not be long, but the savagery of its inhabitants made up for the lack of its size. If she had been a more religious sort, she would have made a prayer to her deity of choice. For now, all she could do was hope he was alright. In the meantime, her errands weren't over. She was scouring the markets, trying to find any pieces of Old World tech worth noticing or salvaging, making notes on her Pip-Boy 3000 as she progressed. Most of it was junk, of course, and by 'most' it meant 'mostly all'. There were a few good pieces here and there, but the prices were either outrageous (3,000 bottlecaps for a spare generator transformer coil? No thanks!) or the parts were simply not worth buying; spare pieces and replacement parts at best. However, she did find a good place to start looking for some actual useful stuff. "Helloo?" she called out, knocking on the workshop door. "Anybody there? I'm looking for a Greg Holden? I need some parts, and was told you had the best electronics and equipment." She tried to peer through, trying to see if anyone was there, or even catch a glimpse of any good stuff inside. [hider=Jennifer's appearance] Sparks has dark red hair, goggles covering her green eyes, and wears general survival gear. She has a salvaged Pip-Boy 3000 on her right arm.[/hider]