Scraper felt her before he saw her sighing. "I'm always packed, you know I keep my life in a box." He chuckled when she pulled away he turned back around slowly. "It's all about how we hide it, as long we act professional and don't go running into each others arms we should be fine." The commanders finished loading up the rest of his gear. "If it gets to tough we could always steal a ship and fly off into the sunset like some cheesy holo." The trooper chuckled. He paused at the knock and grabbed his transport bag. Opening the door he stepped out. Taking the orders he read them quickly marching into the barracks. "Double time it to the ships, we've got orders boys. Were going to bail out 286th and General Rolin, if your not ready in ten then your cleaning rifles the whole way their and back!" Yelled the commander marching though them, in truth he wished he'd had more time with Kiana but war never took a break so neither did he.