[hider=Cecilia Lang] Name: Cecilia Lang Age: 31 Gender: Female Disposition: Cecilia comes off as a harsh, no-nonsense enforcer, keeping the other pilots of the Preying Panthers in line and commanding them in the field. She radiates authority, carrying herself with a haughty demeanor and steely confidence. In public, she molds her image into the Panthers' stone-cold adjutant, although on the inside she is actually very reserved and apprehensive about herself. Of course, she makes no effort to reveal her softer side to her associates. When it comes to operations, results come first. Cecilia keeps a close eye on the rest of the team in the field, to better orchestrate the most successful outcome. Background: Prior to joining the Preying Panthers, Cecilia was a security officer of the WhiteTower private security corporation. WhiteTower had a strong presence in the XCD, providing surveillance and protection to client businesses; most of which were arms manufacturers or FRAME companies. Cecilia in particular was assigned to Ceres Aeronautics. Originally a designer and manufacturer of aircraft, Ceres had just taken the leap into the FRAME market as well. Ceres's entering the FRAME industry unnerved other local corporations, wary of the growing competition within the market. KellCorp was especially anxious when Ceres unveiled the XGM-24A Handou and lost a number of prospective clients to the upstart FRAME manufacturer. In response, KellCorp decided to put matters in its own hands and go on the offensive. It sent a mercenary unit to assault Ceres's FRAME manufacturing plant and send the message to stay out of the industry. Cecilia was among the WhiteTower personnel assigned to the facility, who were caught off-guard by KellCorp's attack. The mercenaries mounted a sudden, powerful offense and hammered Cecilia's partners into submission before totaling the plant. Although she held out with a grim determination and downed a few FRAMEs, there were too many mercenaries for her to deal with, and she was forced to surrender after her machine had been disabled. The incident prompted Ceres Industries to respond by hiring the same mercenaries that KellCorp had sent after them, enticing them with an extremely lucrative contract. Not only did this get KellCorp out of their hair momentarily, but it gave them a means to retaliate and replace the FRAMEs WhiteTower had lost. The mercenaries happened to be none other than the Preying Panthers, and after ruining KellCorp's chances of competing with Ceres, Richard Bentz convinced Cecilia to quit her job at WhiteTower and join his unit. Appearance: [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/FRAME/cropped_sei_sakuraoka_by_estefano1989-d5xmr4p_zps4rnyfilz.png[/img] Inventory: [list] [*]Heavy calibre revolver w/ optional laser module/flashlight unit. [*]Carbine-length adaptive battle rifle with standard electronic sight and under-barrel flashlight. [*]Combat/survival knife [*]Pilots' suit with ballistic armour and equipment harness [*]Pilots' helmet [*]Military-spec datapad strapped to right forearm [/list] Funds: 492,417c Other: TBD [/hider] [hider=LBG-22 Kirin] [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/FRAME/Iguana_zps0ru8k0br.png[/img] Name: LBG-22 Kirin Manufacturer: Canton Height: 4.1 meters Weight: 5100 kg Armor: 40 mm armorplast alloy Speed (Walk): 52 kph Speed (Skate): 84.2 kph Sensor range: 4 km Communication range: 30 km Operating range: 700 km Extra Systems: ECM suite, laser target designator, backup sensors Power: (game mechanic) 135 Weight (game mechanic): 70 Price: 389,333c Equipped Armaments & Systems: [list] [*]C3 Imaging Suite (5 weight) [*]MG27 Light Machinegun (2 weight) [*]GPR-21 Autcannon (10 weight) [*]MGR-2A Anti-tank Missile (20 weight) [*]LP-90 Light Rocket Launcher (24 weight) [/list] Storage: [list] [*]AFC-40/L Autocannon (8 weight) [/list] [/hider] [hider=Transaction Log] [hider=1st Transaction/November 22nd] Funds Before Transactions: 345,160c Operation Commission: +400,000 Sold Handou: +221,590c Bought Kirin: -389,333c Bought C3 Imaging Suite: -40,000c Bought GPR-21 Autocannon: -15,000c Bought MGR-2A Anti-tank Missile: -30,000c Funds After Transactions: 492,417c [/hider][/hider]