Making his way into Afterlife. Jason kept his eyes open to try and find the group he’d be associating with. Trying to find the right scum in a pool of it was hard, but over the years Jason had picked up on a few tell signs. For instance the Turian who just got up but happened to forget a datapad that was almost immediately picked up by a Vorcha who brought it to another table, that was most likely a broker type deal going down or a one man assignment. Not who he was meeting. His eyes then spotted a female Turian seated just underneath the so called ruler of this rock. Almost casually the Turian got up, bump into another human, whisper to an Asari while buying a drink, then sit down and slightly tap said drink twice. In an instant a woman got up and sat down in the booth. Subtle not to draw too much attention, but enough to draw those who were looking. That was most likely the group Jason was after, but he would have to make sure. Carefully making his way over thing not to bump into any dancers or patrons crowding the place. Standing outside the booth next to the Turian and looking the other way, he said in a hushed voice, [color=darkgreen] “I’m looking for a few things to [I][b]take out[/b][/i] to my friends. This where I could get some [I][b]blood packs[/b][/i]?”[/color] If this was the group, they would most likely understand the message. If not, then they were either not the right group or not smart enough to be working with.