Penelope begrudgingly made her way to the meeting. She was late, she was sure of it, but she didn't mind. Weeks had passed now and she had all but given up in her efforts entirely. She continued with school life as usual but she was noticeably less cheerful, her spirits thoroughly sunken. The meeting was supposed to have been important yet she was dressed rather casually. Her hair was in it's usual mound of curly madness, and she made no attempt at taming the beast. A simple black cotton dress hung loosely around her body, stopping just above her knees. She hadn't bothered with heels or accessories for weeks now, and instead she traded them for a pair of black running shoes and ankle socks. Whatever the meeting was about she just wanted to hear it and get back to her day. She entered at the tail end of Mictlantecuhtli speaking. "...the lady will make the decision." She took a seat towards the back and waited to be clued in on the specifics.