[hr] [color=DA70D6][center][h1]Ellie[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] Ellie took a little peek out the window to catch a but of the game, distracting her from her dusting. She would snap her head back every once in a while to make sure the boss wasn't coming, and she would convince herself she would go back to work, but this game reminded her so much of the little boys back home, she couldn't resist it. She could barely hear their muffled English through the glass, Scarescrows calls sounding more like birds hawking at one another than a real human being. She could barely distinguish his voice between the crows that suddenly erupted from the forest, making her jump slightly. Not but a few seconds after the birds fled the forest, the ball was hit all the way out into the mists, the fog engulfing the ball. She cringed at the site. Baseball's were a precious commodity, and she was sure the boys would do much of anything to try to get it back. Nobody around here for spare a few cents to buy another ball. She watched as Henry and Yulian set off to forge for it before another house maid, Abbey, came out as well, though she did not pursue them into the forest.