Aulfr was, while being concerned and a tad angry, and also proud and pleased, amiable enough to act the part of the doctor. He fetched his medicine bag- he had attempted to get together some group of people to have medicines taught to them on a larger scale, for the sake of the healers, and less of an apprenticeship-only sort of thing, but it never caught on- but he knew the value. And so he went ahead, stitching away, gentle but firm. He didn't bother himself with the fact that he was causing her pain- it was the good pain, a pain that can't be avoided, but can prevent more. He had to practically wrap his arm around her head, to reach her shoulder, once she decided to lean her face into his shoulder. The cursing, too, surprised him- he had never heard of half those words, and he mentally filed them away for later investigation. He didn't catch some of them, though, so he'd have to ask her about them later... As he finished he, he noted how much she had already drunk, and her very low tolerance of alcohol- though, once she was drunk, she could drink a great deal and not pass out. He leaned away, dropping the bloodied bits on the table. He sat down in the chair he had left neglected, in favor of hovering over Aleksandra to take care of his shoulder- and a single glance at her caught him. Eyes locked; she was staring at him with... something he didn't know how to explain. He noted her cup, watched her cross the short gap and plop herself on his legs, curious and maybe a little anxious. He gave her a surprisingly solemn nod, noting her promise- he'd use that against her if she [i]did[/i] get angry. He... grew a little uncomfortable as her eyes roamed, but relaxed when she settled on his neck- and relaxed maybe a little too much. It felt [i]good[/i], for lack of a better word in his suddenly struggling mind, [i]too[/i] good. He shivered slightly, a tremor that ran through him, tiny but still present, at her words. He relaxed to new levels as she ran her fingers through his hair, as she talked to him. And then the kiss- a surprising kiss, different from before. A kiss that he got into very quickly, one arm immediately coming up to cradle her back, the other coming up to frame her face, cupping her cheek. It didn't last long; she had different ideas, when he let her tug his hand away, and down to her...and suddenly her chest. His hand gently closed around it, treating it as if it were the most tender thing in the world, slowly moving his hand against her bust- and then he withdrew, jerking his head and hand back. His head, far enough away for her shorter self to be out of reach, while he stared at her wildly, and his hand, away and down to hold her wrist, rather than her hand or her chest- he did not want to lose control. Panting, he stared at her, unsure, exactly, of what to say or do. So instead of curled his other arm around her a bit more, making them more akin to a hug than anything. He focused on the feel of her body against his, relaxed and actually wanting to be there.