A light blush dusted across Lily's cheeks at Jayden's compliment even if it was a subtle one and smiled softly. She had honestly been too busy running and being completely confused to actually think of the situation that way but she couldn't say he was wrong. This whole place was like being dropped into a bad Post-Apocalyptic movie but it did have its own kind of charm of it she guessed. She had only a second to be curious as to why he had suddenly whistled that is until a hound had join them, the beast obviously being dragged from a fresh meal if the beasts painted muzzle was anyway to go by. Lily's fingers twitched, wishing to run her fingers through "Humphry's" fur and to show the animal much affection but she wasn't sure if the dog would be welcomed to it or if its master would approve. She didn't know why but she felt she should have a dog by her side or maybe more than one. She didn't kind if it was fantasy or a memory but she could hear the sounds of loud barking, the feeling of soft fur on her fingertips, and a black gate quickly flashed in her mind. It was Set's voice that brought her out of her thoughts as she shook her head lightly, "If I had one than I have no memory of it. I am not sure if I had some kind of accident but I don't seem to have much memories at all. I barely seem to have any personal information other than my name, where I am and some other vague thoughts." she replied with a frown, not liking the feeling of something missing and not liking that she admitting she didn't know much to a completely stranger but for some reason she felt she could trust him. [@Raijinslayer]