[center][h1][b][u]Alo'Quin[/u][/b][/h1][/center] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/c886/f/2013/283/5/9/medieval_town_by_shutupandwhisper-d6q07yv.jpg[/img] The city streets of Alo'Quin were rife with vermin and virtue alike. Beggars coated street corners and alleys while the pious and righteous preached in front of temples and taverns. The mercantile district bustled with commerce as the vendors peddled their wares. Merlin made his way through crowds of people to a tavern known by the locals as The Cup and Barrel, the outside of the building was tattered and derelict. Inside the small beat down structure emitted a cozy warm atmosphere and the chatter of its patrons provided a traditional ambiance. Merlin bypassed the bar and fun himself a large, nearly vacated table with its only occupant sitting near the head of the table. He was a slight man with large gray robes and a long beard the color of dirty sand. His eyes met Merlin and beckoned him to the table with a silent summons. Upon reaching the table Merlin noticed the same piece of parchment that first drew him to the tavern sitting in front of the robed figure. Without a word Merlin took a seat at the table near the unknown figure and, assuming he wasn't the only person who received this message ordered himself a mug of mead and sat patiently.