[@ClocktowerEchos] Well the synthesizer could make ammunition out of materials found aboard the station, preferably of quality composition while still being possible to make lower quality materials into lower quality ammunition. Also, I don't mind someone else having nanomachines, I'm sure in a galactic senate there are plenty of races that do. The mantlet is folded up and attached to the back of the engineer's exosuit, it's made of the same stuff as the power armor (albeit thinner) and once its unfolded it can cover, generously, three people; it's mainly to protect the engineer or medic as they work. Also, all of the stuff they have is designed for bullets, I understand that whatever you have planned isn't going to be stumped by thick armor but if the Vatani really [i]didn't[/i] know that they wouldn't be deployed wearing paper bags. And do you want me to go into more detail on their training and personal capabilities?