[i][h3]Barcea, Southwestern Region - Cyril, Calypso, and Company[/h3][/i] Though the Prince had spoken to the tall, almost monstrous figure first, it was the woman who responded to him first. Judging from her appearance, she had clearly gone through very long and very rough times; Cyril wasn't sure if he wanted to know exactly what she had struggled through. It wasn't because she was dirty or scarred, but rather the way she acted: closed off, distant, and beyond that when she had initially seen him... she almost seemed scared, only shutting down to the previously described traits afterwards. Whatever it was, perhaps it was truly better she didn't know. He listened to her story and her theory, expression calm and serious, almost grave. She was completely right about it being H'kela, and he gave a slight nod at her words; she seemed to already know, anyway. Before he could actually respond to her, though, the massive figure was speaking to him, the Prince blinking in surprise. Whelp...? Well that was a new one. The Prince bit his tongue and didn't respond immediately, for two reasons: one, he wasn't sure about the capabilities of this imposing figure, and two, Calypso seemed to really like Sir Mauls-a-lot. He wasn't sure what side she would be on if a fight broke out, to be entirely honest. Though the woman didn't seem to know who he was, and before Drosil hadn't, this... person seemed to know who the Prince actually was. Remaining relatively incognito was becoming more and more difficult, so he just simply gave a nod in the direction of the woman as she spoke about what would happen next, saying, [b]"Something like that."[/b] Something about her name, 'Joy,' once again brought a ghost of recognition to the back of his mind, but he didn't have the time to figure out why. Before he could say or ask anything else, Alasa suddenly whirled, bow coming up. Quickly, the Prince turned as well to face what had alarmed the Sentinel, but he relaxed more quickly than the archer at the approaching figure. Though the young, blonde-haired woman approached with her bow out, she clearly wasn't a threat, and rather explicitly said who he was. Where the older, rougher looking woman may not have been Barcean, if she even lived in any sort of society at all, this younger one knew who he was and was very clearly Barcean. [b]"Greetings, Lyrena. We won't harm you."[/b] The hand that held the blade went out, gently making a lowering gesture to Alasa, who slowly complied. Calypso hadn't even looked in the new woman's direction yet with her focus entirely upon the Deathcrawler, but Cyril felt this was as good of a time as any to simply answer both the question that the newcomer Lyrena had, and confirm the suspicions of Joy in one move. He brought the helmet up then, holding it in few view of everyone as he initially glanced to Joy as he started to speak, before looking back towards Lyrena. [b]"The church is empty now. Three H'kelans were there... Leftovers from whatever force that did this. That's who did this, the H'kelans; they just started a war."[/b] He lowered the H'kelan helmet, his expression remaining completely serious. To Lyrena directly he said, [b]"It's not safe to stay here, and I need to head back to the Capitol. Please, if you are alone come with us."[/b] [b]"I would be honored your highness... I can fight too, I want to be part of any plans you may have."[/b] He gave a nod to the young woman. She had just witnessed a massacre beyond anything she had ever seen before, but despite the emotions she may have been seeing she was still able to say that. He then looked to Joy, briefly contemplating what to do. After a moment he said, [b]"I hope this doesn't inconvenience you too much, but I need you to come with us as well. Your story and evidence might be able to shed more light on the situation."[/b] [b]"Perhaps it would have been an inconvenience, but I doubt I'd have much opportunity for business around this village now. Besides, I suppose it is my natural duty to help avenge these people, yes?"[/b] said Joy, standing up with a slight struggle. She place her hand on her heart and gave an unenthusiastic half-bow. [b]"I apologize for not being able to give you a proper curtsy, Your Royal Highness. You have horses, yes? I wouldn't expect a prince to make an injured woman walk the whole way."[/b] [b]"Of course not."[/b] After replying to Joy, he finally looked to the tall figure, who he still didn't know the name of yet. There was more hesitance here, but he finally said, [b]"If Drosil is supposed to return soon, then I suppose it would be best if you were to stay with us."[/b] At his words Calypso quickly nodded, seeming to more insistently pet Sir Mauls-a-lot, if that was possible. For a moment, the figure was quiet. Perhaps he was considering it would be best to travel with companions, especially with the threat of an enemy army on the move, perhaps not. Whatever he considered, he eventually said, [b]"May as well help."[/b] With that, the decisions had been made, and they would be travelling together. [b]"Alright, let's go."[/b] Without another word, Cyril began to lead the now much larger group away. As he walked, he cleaned his blade with a cloth before sheathing his weapon, not looking back. The sooner they were gone from the village, the better for both his sake and the rest of Barcea's. He wasted no time leading them out of the village, back to the hill where they had left Etsuko and Ayano. Along the way, they picked up the still anguished companion that Lyrena had been travelling with, Oluma, but very little could be done for her. After they were well in sight and began their way up the hill, Ayano sat up suddenly, saying, [b]"They're coming back!"[/b] "We're here, Ayano." He gave a weak sort of smile even if she couldn't see it, before he looked to Etsuko. Behind him Calypso waved as they approached, but he was the one to coninue speaking, simply saying, [b]"It was H'kela. We're heading back to the Capitol, getting out of here. Please, come with us at least to there. It'll be much safer that way."[/b] In response had just quietly nodded, and quickly the group made their preparations to leave. [hr] [b][h2][center]Arc One[/center][/h2][/b][i][center][h3]A War Resumed[/h3][/center][/i] [hr] [i][h3]The Capitol of Barcea[/h3][/i] As the walls of the Capitol City of Barcea came into view, Cyril didn't feel the usual sense of safety that he always felt upon returning home. War had stepped over the horizon after all, and it was only a matter of time before the peace that was still felt here melted away. They had been moving nonstop since mounting up on the hill outside the village. While Joy had been placed on Alasa's horse with the Sentinel, Calypso had silently pulled herself up onto Sir Mauls-a-lot, and after much hesitation Oluma joined her there; that left room for Lyrena to join Cyril on his horse. Despite Cyril's concern for the tall figure was brushed off; apparently, he would simply keep up on foot. Together, the group followed the roads to the east and to the north, making their way in the direction of the Capitol as quickly as possible. They only made a single stop along the way, at a larger village closer to the Capitol (its proximity being the reason why it wasn't targeted), dropping Oluma off on her request and wishing her well before continuing on at their quick pace. They arrived towards the end of the afternoon, the edges of the sky to the east just beginning to tint red. Their approach was spotted from the walls thanks to the rather alarming appearance of the Deathcrawler, but as they got closer calls began to ring out, the message being passed along that the Prince and Princess had returned. The foot traffic in front of the gates they approached began to quickly clear away, allowing them to pass straight through into the Capitol. Just beyond a group of gates guards had gathered, with civilians behind them. Some had backed up as the group entered because of the Deathcrawler, and some because of the massive figure that stood with the group, but the Captain stepped forwards, eyes on the Prince. [b]"Your Highnesses, is everything alright-"[/b] Cyril was already cutting him off before the question could be completed, his gaze focused. [b]"They're with me. Set extra watch now, and prepare to keep it up in the coming days. Where's my sister?"[/b] The Captain was struggled to keep up while continuing to use the proper pleasantries. [b]"Of course, your Highness- She's still in the streets, but she may be heading back to the castle soon."[/b] [b]"Thank you."[/b] With that, the Prince's gaze went back to the street in front of him as he snapped the reins, bringing the group back in motion once again. The streets beyond were full of the Barcean people, who were out even more than usual that day to see the Queen. Thanks to the Deathcrawler though, the citizens cleared out of the way even more quickly than they normally would have as the Prince led the group through. Despite the initial surprise (and in some cases, fear) at the sight of the Deathcrawler and the tall, dark individual, the faces of the citizens would light up when they focused upon the Prince and the Princess, and Alasa as well when he was recognized. While the Sentinel just gave nods, the Princess waved in all directions as they passed through the crowd. Despite what she had been near before, Ayano was able to put a smile on her face for the sake of the people. Cyril wished he was as talented at the appearance game as she was, at the moment. His smile was a little more forced, and his waves brief and stiff. His thoughts were too focused on how he carried the helmet, carefully wrapped in one of the travelling blankets well before they reached the Capitol so that no one would see, and what would probably be coming in the not so distant future. The sooner he reached his sister, the better, so with that goal in mind he kept pressing the group forwards, deeper into the Capitol. The Capitol had two sets of circular walls, outer and inner. In the space in between both sets was where the general population of the Capitol worked and lived, with their homes, shops, and streets. The royalty, however, lived within the small circle made by the inner walls. On one of the main streets, they were on the shortest path from the outer walls to the gates of the inner walls, though there was a fair distance and a lot of people between their current destination and their objective. The group with the Prince and Princess wouldn't be able to see them quite yet, but there was another group travelling together in the Capitol with royalty. As it was already know, Kori Serio was visiting the city of the Capitol that day, and had indeed spent her entire day walking at a slow ride through the streets, greeting and interacting with her people. More often than not she would dismount from her horse to enter a shop or some other building, and she had actually eaten while out and about, too. Kori was a picture of graceful beauty, tall and with elegant features. The bluish hue that the Serios were known for (save for Ayano) was present within her neck-length hair, at a somewhat lighter tint than that of her younger brother. Her dress, though simple considering the need for her travel, was still made of a beautiful fabric that shimmered blue with tasteful bits of white and silver here and there, and upon her head she wore a crown of silver as well. As she moved through the city, she always had a peaceful, calm, and welcoming smile on her face. Though she went along with a few guards and advisors, anyone was allowed to approach her to talk to her, and she listened carefully to whatever may have been said. Even as the day began to wane, and the entourage began to make its way back towards the gates that led to the castle, she still took her time to talk and listen. This was just one of the many reasons why she was loved, and one of the many reasons why Barcea was now a very different nation compared to a decade before.