Aleksandra let Aulfr wrap her in his arms, and leaned into his warmth with a soft sigh. She felt right. Safe. Happy. For the first time in a long while, she had the feeling that things would get better. If she could trust Aulfr to touch her that way, then maybe one day she'd be able to enjoy her body like anyone else. Maybe she'd have children. A family and a husband. The thought brought a drunken grin to her face. She tipped her head back to look up at Aulfr. "Have you ever wanted babies? A little Aulfr, maybe, to pass your kingdom to once you're an old blighter?" She sighed and nuzzled her nose against his collarbone. "I want babies. Kind of a difficult feat, considering I won't open my legs for anyone," she said with a snort. "I think I would be a good mother if I didn't feel the need to hunt. Maybe that will go away after I kill my brothers." She peered up at him somewhat suspiciously. "You're going to let me do that, aren't you? When you invade Ardany, I need to kill them." It didn't matter what he said, she was going to do it. She hugged him tighter and slipped her hand into his, threading their fingers together. Saints, no one told her how wonderful it felt to hold someone's hand. Just feeling that simple warmth, and the faint thrum of someone's pulse against her own, and the way their muscles worked to keep holding on. It felt... indescribably good. Somehow, it made her want to kiss him again. So she did just that. She leaned up and kissed him, but much sweeter than before. Just a light kiss to make them both feel shivery and happy.