Alrighty, we're back in business, kids. So, a couple of notes: [@Darcness] I didn't see your post until I just posted responses. Forgive me, i'll get on yours ASAP. It won't be long considering i'm actually free again. [@Dawnscroll] My entire night tomorrow is dedicated to finishing up your post response. I'll have a good 6 or 7 hours to get the length you desire. Don't worry, i'm not abandoning you! I'm on this like a car bonnet. [@Corvidae] I had absolutely no idea what to do for a public response to you, but considering the note you left at the end of the post, I figure that isn't actually so much of a bad thing. I await to see what collab / questline you're working on. If you do want something to respond to while you do that, shoot me a PM and i'll get you a prompt up and ready. I have a small response written up based on what your post offered, but its a little underwhelming considering so I opted to not publish it right away. If you want it posted, dosay so and i'll smack it up. [@ravenDivinity][@Harbinger] I'll be updating our collabs ASAP, we'll get it done once and for all! Sorry about the delay, I hope you guys understand! Got a little overwhelmed and swamped and it was such a terrible situation and I felt pretty shitty the whole time that I hadn't gotten around to it yet. But, like I said, i'm now back at fuckin' maximum capacity and will be bashing out the rest of our content in relatively quick time.