They would be guided to the barracks, where several reserves, as well as members not yet in their shift, were waiting. "So," asked a Black woman, "what can this dork do that just drinking moonshine cannot?" "Besides the obvious, you mean?" said a slightly older Asian girl. "Come on, sing!" shouted one of the men. It was clear that the people were either really bored, really worried about the Raider threat, or both. Nevertheless, [i]if[/i] Albert began to sing, he would mesmerize the audience right away, the soothing tones of Louis' Armstrong's music taking their cares and worries away - Suddenly, a loud explosion rang out, as shouting and sounds of gunfire echoed from the lines to the east; the Raiders were finally launching their massive attack/migration! Nevertheless, the revitalized troops in the barracks rushed out to join the defense, fully confident again; Albert had done good work. A man gave him his 25 caps, then spoke: "If you can devise a way to keep up the troops' morale [i]during[/i] battle, we'll pay you 200 Caps!" [@Simple Unicycle]